Zhang Zhaozhong's comments on thick smog is best defence against US laser weaponry

China's Naval Chief Says Smog Is Best Defence Against US Laser Weapons -- IBTimes

Thick smog is the best defence against US laser weapons, a Chinese military chief has declared on national television.

Zhang Zhaozhong, the Navy Major General for the People's Liberation Army drew massive criticism when he made the statement on CCTV's Haixia Liang'an (Cross-Straits) current affairs programme, adding that lasers were "most afraid of smog".

He said: "Under conditions where there is no smog, a laser weapon can fire [at a range of] 10 kilometres. When there's smog, it's only one kilometre. What's the point of making this kind of weapon?

"It only works when the weather is good. The enemy will target you when the weather is bad.

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My Comment: I am not in China right now .... but I know that none of my Chinese friends are going to buy this story.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo A Chinese Military Chief Makes The Case For Smog Updated at : 4:15 AM
Monday, February 24, 2014

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