Day 1 in Florida! Day 1 in Florida!

Thursday we made it to Florida by 3pm local time! Can you see the excitement in our faces?!?!?   My little sister, Wendi, picked us up fro...

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Still under the weather Still under the weather

I still have my cold, but it's just a cold. It's not like I'm going to die from it or anything. I did manage to sit upright for ...

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Feed a cold, feed a fever Feed a cold, feed a fever

I've started about five posts today and deleted every single one of them. I have a cold. My nose is like a faucet that I can't turn ...

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And I’m off!!! And I’m off!!!

Wednesday morning I hopped right out of bed. It's so much easier knowing you only have a 4 1/2 day ahead of you! Oh and I made sure to w...

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Eight hours Eight hours

I simply can't believe the difference eight hours of sleep a night, every night, is making in my life. Why didn't I do this thirty y...

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tuesday = thursday tuesday = thursday

Happy " Thursday " everyone...oh wait, it was only "Thursday" at work for me! Sorry guys! ;) Tomorrow is my Friday...if ...

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Putting the binge monster to sleep Putting the binge monster to sleep

I haven't had a binge for five nights in a row. The solution, which many of you suggested, was so simple that I can hardly believe it wo...

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'imprimerie : visite d'entreprise le 26 mars 2010 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'imprimerie : visite d'entreprise le 26 mars 2010

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers de l’imprimerie le vendred...

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Counting down the days!! Counting down the days!!

Happy Monday everyone!! I'm so excited that this week is FINALLY here!! I only work 1 1/2 days left , then on Thursday Kyle & I are...

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