Happy Monday everyone!! I'm so excited that this week is FINALLY here!! I only work 1 1/2 days left, then on Thursday Kyle & I are off to Florida!!

I got up this morning with great intentions of hitting the gym. I stretched while Kyle was eating his breakfast and when he went to work I went back to bed. We ended up staying up way too late last night and I regretted it this morning.

I ended up over sleeping and barely made it to work on time! Once there I whipped up my usual oatmeal breakfast (oatmeal, small sliced banana, & PB2) for 4 points. DSC06395

I have a feeling these next few days at work are going to c.r.a.w.l!! I can only think about FLORIDA!!

I had my morning snack, but doesn't it looks wrong? I didn't have any cereal or granola. :( It was still yummy though! Strawberry ww yogurt & 1 c strawberries for 2 points. DSC06396

I picked up a free Redbox on the way home for lunch. I've been getting coupon codes in my email a lot lately! They must miss us since we haven't watched a movie in a while!

Before leaving my office I had a small appetizer of baby carrots & ff ranch for 1 point.DSC06397DSC06398


Lunch was a copy cat of last week! But just made by me, not my hubby! I had 1/2c cottage cheese w/cantaloupe and an egg white & cheese sandwich for 5 points.    DSC06399DSC06400

My afternoon went relatively fast and I was home free for the evening! We brought some treats to a few of our neighbors and chatted for a while. Gotta love good neighbors!

By the time we got home it was about 8pm and I wasn’t really hungry. I decided to make a smoothie. Tonight it contained 1 small frozen banana, 1 1/2c strawberries, strawberry yogurt, and 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder for 4 points. DSC06401

I was still a little hungry after my smoothie, but wasn’t feeling 100% “right” so I had a slice of toast with a little strawberry jelly for 1 point. Like my Easter egg plate? Pottery Barn clearance a few years ago!DSC06402

Kyle and I are now snuggled in enjoyed our free Redbox! Crossing my fingers that the scale shows a loss tomorrow…need to get those lbs gone before Thursday!!

POINTS = 17/23
WATER =  80 oz

Does anyone have anything fabulous & fun they recommend we do while we are in Florida? We usually just kick back & relax…but we can always squeeze in a few things!

We will be in the Tampa area and then also the West Palm Beach area.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Counting down the days!! Updated at : 6:50 PM
Monday, March 15, 2010

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