Saturday in pictures Saturday in pictures

No snowshoeing pictures. By the time I got going it was almost 1 p.m. It's really not worth an hour drive to Mt. Rainier and only have a...

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New blog - Health Foodie - a must read New blog - Health Foodie - a must read

If you haven't checked out Christina's new blog, Health Foodie , you have to go check it out now. It's totally amazing and a won...

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10 Types of Interviewers - Who might be interviewing you during your job hunt 10 Types of Interviewers - Who might be interviewing you during your job hunt

Interviewing for a job comes with several question marks. What do I wear? How should I answer this question? How long will this take? A good...

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What Jobs Fit With Your Major? What Jobs Fit With Your Major?

Choosing a major has always been a sore spot for college students. Now, with the job market in flux, it's more important than ever that ...

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Concours talents 2010 Concours talents 2010

Les Boutiques de Gestion viennent de lancer la 12ème édition du Concours Talents , premier concours national de la création d’entreprise. L’...

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Fake it tll you make it Fake it tll you make it

"Fake it till you make it" (also called "act as if") is a common catchphrase that means to imitate confidence so that as...

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No fat chicks No fat chicks

You may be too young to have ever seen this bumper sticker. It was popular in the 80's. I remember the first time I saw it. I couldn'...

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Sometimes I'm a total dork Sometimes I'm a total dork

The headache cure As I was gulping my extra strong black coffee at 5am before I tore out the door for the gym today, I figured it out. Heada...

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Happy Monday morning friends! I've had a full past four days! I'm not going to bore you with pictures, upon pictures of food! But I ...

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Weekend update Weekend update

Another headache I can't believe I haven't posted since Thursday morning. I guess I just wasn't in the blogging mood or somethin...

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Planning de la semaine du 1er au 05 mars 2010 Planning de la semaine du 1er au 05 mars 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 1er m...

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Lenten Reflections: Part 2 Lenten Reflections: Part 2

II. CLEFT FOR ME The rocky edifices of my world are beautiful precisely because they are broken. Their very appearance above ground is the c...

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Tracking Thursday AND following the rules Tracking Thursday AND following the rules

Yesterday I ate healthy all day and tracked every bite. I wasn't paying much attention to how many points I was accumulating because my ...

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I’m going win this fight!! I’m going win this fight!!

Good morning my favorite blogger friends!! :) Wednesday I was still working on kicking this cold that’s trying to come on. I skipped my m...

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Tracking Wednesday Tracking Wednesday

It's almost 1pm and I've tracked my breakfast and lunch, as well as my activity in the online tracker. This is a huge improvement ov...

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Another day one or this is NOT maintenance Another day one or this is NOT maintenance

KCSARC Normally I post the night before, but yesterday was kind of a horrific day for me. One of my dearest friends and I ventured out on th...

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Still Fighting!! Still Fighting!!

Hello blogger friends! Hope everyone had a terrific Tuesday ! Mine started out by NOT hitting the snooze button, but instead rolling over f...

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'agroalimentaire : visite d'entreprise le 02 mars 2010 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'agroalimentaire : visite d'entreprise le 02 mars 2010

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers de l’agroalimentaire (opér...

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