Why Hello There :) Why Hello There :)

I'm baaaccccckkkkk! (Warning: this is a long one - I didn't intend for this to go on and on but alas, that's what happened... re...

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Backstage Moments... Backstage Moments...

Allan 'Whitey' Snyder and Marilyn Monroe on The Seven Year Itch I routinely scour the Internet for pictures to go along with my my ...

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Buck up Buttercup Buck up Buttercup

I'm starting to get over the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know I'll get through this thing at work. At least I have some...

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Struggling with life / 189.2 Struggling with life / 189.2

This continues to be my theme for the last several months. Today is no different. Yesterday something really awful happened at work. It has ...

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40 weeks 40 weeks

How Far Along: 40 weeks Size of baby: According to babycenter.com Baby Bangert is the size of a small pumpkin and about 20 inches long f...

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Staying positive: If you keep saying you can't, you probably won't Staying positive: If you keep saying you can't, you probably won't

Let's face it: Staying positive isn't always easy. From job seekers frustrated by rejections to workers dealing with everything from...

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Blue Monday Blue Monday

 Why a blue Monday you ask? Well... 1. My eating was a off this weekend. I felt like I was starving all weekend and overindulged in healthy ...

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Friend Making Mondays: If You Lived in a Movie, Which One Would It Be? Friend Making Mondays: If You Lived in a Movie, Which One Would It Be?

Good Monday Morning Friends! Today is Friend Making Monday sponsored by Kenlie at All the Weigh . The question, as you may have already gues...

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Weekend update / 187.4 Weekend update / 187.4

Saturday! It's Saturday! I love Saturday. It's my favorite day of the week. It's the first day of the weekend, with thoughts of ...

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Shhhh... Shhhh...

Last week I went on vacation. Because I got to stay at a hotel for six nights, I embraced the fact that I had cable again. Back at home, I h...

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June 2011 Goals June 2011 Goals

At the beginning of May, I published the goals I wanted to accomplish for that month :  1. 10K a Day in May Challenge : I failed.  I tried t...

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There is light at the end of this dark tunnel There is light at the end of this dark tunnel

For the first time in weeks I woke up feeling like life is good. I'm not dreading going to work. I'm looking forward to heading off ...

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The Adorable Blog Award!! :) The Adorable Blog Award!! :)

On June 1, I received an exciting little blogger award - my first ever!  I received this awesome award from Spoonful of Me - Thank You So M...

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Making Good Choices Making Good Choices

Last Friday, I found myself reading Sam's post about having a choice .  I'm glad I did! It was a Friday afterall, I actually had to ...

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dear daughter… dear daughter…

To our baby girl, To say we are excited to meet you is an understatement. Only ten days till your scheduled arrival date. Just like you hav...

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HilJoe Competition - Week 5 HilJoe Competition - Week 5

I'm going to have to forgo sharing Joel's weight because neither him nor I can remember exactly what it was - doh!  Joel (6'): 2...

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Location, Location, Location: Catalina Island Location, Location, Location: Catalina Island

Norma Shearer, Paulette Goddard and Charlie Chaplin off Catalina, 1934 A Film Location and Celebrity Haunt Since the Early 20th Century San...

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