Last Friday, I found myself reading Sam's post about having a choice.  I'm glad I did!

It was a Friday afterall, I actually had to go into the office (I typically either work at home on Friday's or I have that day off), and so a large part of me really wanted to nix the workout for the day.  I wanted to get the weekend started!  (Why was I so anxious, when I knew all I'd be doing was studying, afterall?)  Anyhow, Sam's post helped me realize that even though I was tired from a grueling work week with with not only work itself, but also school work, and TOM as well.... that it was ultimately my choice for doing or not doing a workout.  I knew I'd feel badly if I skipped the Friday workout and I knew the after effects of skipping a workout could cascade throughout my weekend. 

As I was making the drive home, I realized I didn't have any reading material for the gym with me.  I didn't want to stop and buy any magazines because I have SO many at home I need to catch up on.  I also didn't want to drive home, get the reading material and then drive back to the gym.  I also was in no frame of mind to attempt to suffer through a workout while doing nothing...I was having a hard enough time as it was convincing myself to do something in the first place.  Then a light bulb went off!  It was an absolutely beautiful day - I could go for a bike ride!  So once I got home, I quickly changed and loaded up my bike into the Equinox and took off for the Indian Head Rail Trail.   

I love this trail so much, and I'm sad that I'll be moving further away from it next week :(.  I'm so glad I decided to go for a ride though - what a perfect ending to a hectic week...

Mattawoman Creek
I love rail trails - flat and scenic!
The end is in site!
Me @ the end - you can see where the train tracks start up again in the background
Pieces of old track

My bike and the tracks :)
Hopefully I can grab another ride or two on here before Joel and I move to Virginia next week.  It's not like we'll be living that far from this, but it won't be a mile down the road anymore :(.  

P.S. I had been meaning to check how far I rode that day, since I don't have a gauge on my bike, and it turns out I rode 6.4 miles!  Yay!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Making Good Choices Updated at : 6:09 AM
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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