Monday…Ugh! Monday…Ugh!

So I started out this morning feeling great! I had such a positive attitude, ready for work…but that quickly changed. There are some changes...

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Catholicity & Apostolicity In Las Vegas Catholicity & Apostolicity In Las Vegas

Most people in Las Vegas are new here and don’t know how long they are going to say. But there is a special breed of veteran Vegasites. They...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 02 au 05 juin 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 02 au 05 juin 2009

Permanences Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage - mercredi 03 juin de 10h à 12h30 boutique de gestion - vendredi 05 juin de 9h à 12h30 L...

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Dam to Dam 5K Race! Dam to Dam 5K Race!

Saturday Kyle and I ran the 5K Dam to Dam race in Des Moines. This was a first for both of us. I have been working out and running since Nov...

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I’m Still Here!!! I’m Still Here!!!

Wow!!! What a crazy week!! After Noah's baby shower last week things just got busier and busier!! The past 7 days have been filled with ...

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Journée jobs d'été de dernière minute Journée jobs d'été de dernière minute

Le CRIJ organise une journée "jobs d'été de dernière minute" le 29 mai 2009 de 10h à 18h sans interruption CRIJ, 3/5 boulevar...

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Two Searches for Faith Two Searches for Faith

John Updike’s In the Beauty of the Lilies is a multi-generational story of search for a lost faith. The Rev. Clarence Wilmot lost his faith ...

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Heading Home Heading Home

After a lot of learning and bonding at College for Bishops, and now a few days with the next two generations of our family in North Carolina...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 25 au 29 mai 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 25 au 29 mai 2009

Permanences boutique de gestion - lundi 25 mai de 13h30 à 17h - vendredi 29 mai de 9h à 12h30 Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent da...

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Days 197-199 (Wednesday 5/20-Friday 5/22) Days 197-199 (Wednesday 5/20-Friday 5/22)

Hey all!! It’s been a BUSY past few days!! I’m not going to do a full food recap…but a few highlights!  Wednesday was yet ANOTHER baby sho...

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Publication du rapport annuel 2008 de la HALDE Publication du rapport annuel 2008 de la HALDE

Avec 7788 réclamations en 2008, la Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité (HALDE) a connu une croissance d...

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Live From Lake Logan III: The Night Of Reepacheep Live From Lake Logan III: The Night Of Reepacheep

Still no boojum sighting, but there was the mouse. Not much sleep last night. About 1 a.m., my bedroom was invaded by a mouse with the valor...

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Live From Lake Logan II: Search For The Boojum Live From Lake Logan II: Search For The Boojum

Each night as I walk from the meeting place through the dark woods to my cabin, I am keeping an eye out hoping to spot the legnedary boojum....

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers des travaux publics et espaces verts : visite d'entreprise le 27 mai 2009 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers des travaux publics et espaces verts : visite d'entreprise le 27 mai 2009

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers des travaux publics et des...

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Day 196 (Tuesday 5/19) Day 196 (Tuesday 5/19)

Back to the real world today! I was so sad to see my lil sis leave last night, but I know she will have a great summer and hopefully be back...

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Live From Lake Logan: College For Bishops I Live From Lake Logan: College For Bishops I

It is good to be here. I like these people and they are teaching us things we need to know. Today and tomorrow the Class of 08 (that's m...

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A Little More On The Covenant A Little More On The Covenant

I still haven't digested the document. But it all seems to turn on section 4, the enforcement clause. And apparently the ACC has not app...

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Day 195 (Monday 5/18) Day 195 (Monday 5/18)

It’s rare that I like Mondays, but I sure did like this one!! I took the day off because my little sister is leaving tomorrow to go back to ...

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Days 193-194 (Saturday 5/16 & Sunday 5/17) Days 193-194 (Saturday 5/16 & Sunday 5/17)

Hello everyone! I made it home from Wisconsin Sunday around 7ish. It was good to get home, but I also had a great weekend with the family. I...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 18 au 22 mai 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 18 au 22 mai 2009

Permanences Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage - mercredi 20 mai de 10h à 12h30 Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les loca...

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