Hello everyone! I made it home from Wisconsin Sunday around 7ish. It was good to get home, but I also had a great weekend with the family. I didn’t really stay very OP…but when I weighed in this morning the scale still said 158.5 so I was glad to see that!

Saturday we lounged around visiting until the shower. Look what we saw on the way to the shower. I could NOT believe it so of course had to take a picture. It was just right along side the road. We don’t have things like that in Iowa…well at least that I’ve seen anyway!! Wow!!DSC02623

My cousin was the most beautiful glowing, pregnant chic I’ve seen! So cute!! Her and I are just a few months and she is more like a sister than my cousin. I just wish she wasn’t 4 hours away! She is due in 3 weeks…a boy! :)DSC02616DSC02622

After the shower my sister and I shopped for a while and then spent time with all the family. I was a good girl shopping, only 2 skirts and some new undies! DH was proud!! :)

Sunday we went to church with everyone and had a quick lunch before hitting the road. Here is a picture of some of us girls! It’s always so good to catch up with family!DSC02627

DH was busy doing some work stuff when I got home so I decided I needed to get my workout in and hit the pavement for a run. My lil sister texted and said she was eating with my Dad and Gma at a restraunt not too far away so I decided to run there to chat with them for a while! I checked out when I got home and it was about 2 miles. And it took me about 20 minutes to run, there were 2 KILLER hills!! :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! I’m sitting in my back yard blogging right now because it’s SO nice here!!  See you tonight! I will be back to my regular blogging.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 193-194 (Saturday 5/16 & Sunday 5/17) Updated at : 1:48 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009

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