Hey all!! It’s been a BUSY past few days!!

I’m not going to do a full food recap…but a few highlights! 

Wednesday was yet ANOTHER baby shower!! At my house too!! But since I hosted everyone else brought food! The shower was for a friend who had a little boy, Noah, about 6 weeks ago. He is just about as sweet as can be and so cute!! Boy all these baby showers are really giving me the “itch”!! DSC02678

Everyone did great with the food! My sister made chicken salad pie, another friend made a cabbage salad, and then someone else brought fresh fruit! Perfect!DSC02679

Here is the new Mom and me! It was so great to see her!! This is baby #2 for her! DSC02696

I may or may not have had a serving of tjos YUM-O dessert!! Brownie pieces, vanilla cool whip, pudding…and who knows what else, but it was heavenly!!DSC02705 

DSC02706And here is the whole crew from the shower! It was a great time celebrating Noah and catching up with all these wonderful girls! My sister and I are the only ones out of the bunch that don’t have kids so it’s quite fun to listen to everyone’s stories!!DSC02709         

Thursday was a CRAZY busy day at work…I’m ready for work to slow down. I came home and CRASHED!! But then DH got me up and we ran 3 miles. I made him mad though because about 3/4 of the way done I say “why is this so easy?”! But honestly…I was so surpried that I wasn’t about dying…it was a great feeling…I just wish it wouldn’t have upset him!! He’s ok though…proud of me, but frustrated that he can’t always keep up with me. I tell him though that he started about 4 weeks ago and I started 6 months ago!! So I think he is doing AMAZING!!

Speaking of running, I FINALLY signed us up for the Dam to Dam 5K in Des Moines. It’s a week from today!! I totally excited for my first race!! And that DH is going to run it with me!!


FINALLY Friday!! Work was, yet again, busy!! And frustrating…won’t go into the details, but lets just say some people need to keep their noses out of other people’s business!!!!!!!

We had a cook out with another couple last night. It was FUN!! We grilled out and hung out in the garage (DH has a TV out there so he didn’t miss the NBA game!). The neighbor stopped over and we ended up going out for a few…too many! ;)DSC02719DSC02721

I am now up way to early on a Saturday morning for  being out as late as we were last night! Might be taking a nap today!! But I am totally excited for the long weekend!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 197-199 (Wednesday 5/20-Friday 5/22) Updated at : 7:34 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009

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