Ukraine President, Opposition Sign Deal -- Voice of America

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych signed an agreement Friday with three opposition leaders to end a crisis that sparked violent clashes between protesters and police on the streets of the capital Kyiv.

A Reuters correspondent at the signing inside the presidential headquarters said Yanukovych did not smile during a ceremony lasting several minutes.

The agreement followed an announcement by Yanukovich to hold early elections, to form a national unity government and relinquish some of his presidential powers. The agreement was witnessed by two European Union foreign ministers who brokered the deal.

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U.S., allies agree on aid for Syrian rebels.

Dozens killed as mortars hit town in Iraq.

Iran’s most sensitive uranium stockpile shrinks.

Fears of Syria militancy expand influence of Saudi prince.

Gaza's fragile ceasefire threatened by border clashes as Hamas weakens.

Lebanon detains top suspect in car bomb campaign.

One killed in south Yemen pro-independence protests: sources.

Turkey scraps coup plot courts in battle over judiciary.


Suicide attack kills, wounds several at Afghan police complex.

Afghan women campaign for peace.

Thai Prime Minister denies corruption allegations over rice program. Thai rice farmers give government a week to make payments.

Nepal to deploy security on Everest after brawls.

Musharraf will not be tried in military court.

South Korea to develop Stuxnet-like cyberweapons.

Japan to review testimony of women who served in wartime brothels.

China denounces Barack Obama's meeting with Dalai Lama.


Somali presidential HQ attacked by al-Shabab. 11 die in attack by militants on Somali president's compound. Somalia's Shebab launch suicide attack on presidential palace.

UN chief urges rapid reinforcements for CAR.

Poor turnout in Libyan vote for constitution-drafting body.

With hundreds jailed, Egypt's Islamists demand new protest strategy.

Robert Mugabe celebrates 90th birthday as Zimbabwe's international pariah.

Zimbabwe court orders deportation of former US congressman.


Deal signed to end Ukraine crisis.

Ukrainian president and opposition sign early poll deal. Ukraine peace deal signed, opens way for early election.

Ukraine credit rating cut by S&P as violence continues.

Anti-Kremlin protesters found guilty amid scenes of violence outside court.

Basque separatists Eta set to take historic step by handing over weapons.

Italy's Renzi set to unveil new cabinet.

Germany arrests three suspected Auschwitz guards — aged 88, 92 and 94 — and uncovers Nazi documents.


With 2015 budget request, Obama will call for an end to era of austerity.

From jail, Venezuela protest leader urges resistance.

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Venezuela’s President Maduro threatens to expel CNN over its coverage.

Exclusive: Argentina, Repsol to sign $5 billion YPF deal - source.

Thousands of extra security agents for World Cup 2014.

Venture capitalist in bid to split California into six states.


Report: U.S. drone may have killed Yemeni civilians.

Sources: Airlines warned to beware of possible shoe bombs.

In Yemen, a woman's life entangled with al-Qaida.


Global growth under scrutiny at Sydney G20 finance meeting.

U.S. leads pushback against emerging market angst at G20.

Mexico to trump Japan as No. 2 car exporter to US.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo World News Briefs -- February 21, 2014 Updated at : 6:00 AM
Friday, February 21, 2014

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