Photo: Sean Adair/Reuters

Why 9/11 Can Happen Again -- Gary Hart and Norman Augustine, LA Times

Congressional oversight remains an organizational maze. Instead of doing what various studies recommended, Congress has made matters worse.

In February 2001, a bipartisan federal commission on which we served warned that terrorists would acquire weapons of mass destruction and mass disruption. "Attacks against American citizens on American soil, possibly causing heavy casualties, are likely over the next quarter-century," the Hart-Rudman Commission said. "In the face of this threat, our nation has no coherent or integrated governmental structures." We added: "Congress should rationalize its current committee structure so that it best serves U.S. national security objectives."

We identified 50 ways to improve national security, none of which was implemented before 9/11. One recommendation — to create a single agency to deal with homeland security — was not acted on until a year and a half after those tragic attacks.

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My Comment: Yup .... the question is not if another 9/11 attack will occur .... but when. But even if the recommendations that Gary Hart and Norman Augustine outlined are implemented .... it can never be a guarantee that another 9/11 terror attack can be prevented. So .... do we limit our freedom and privacy in a police state so that we can feel safe .... that is the question that should not even be asked .... but it is being debated today.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Why Another 9/11 Will Happen Updated at : 3:00 AM
Friday, February 21, 2014

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