After 70 Years, Japan FINALLY Joins the Global Arms Trade -- Kyle Mizokami, War is Boring

Meet the world’s next big weapons exporter.

The fifth most expensive army in the world is one many people don’t even realize exists. Japan has a reputation for being a pacifist and even unarmed country because its post-World War II constitution technically forbids it from having a military.

The reputation is wrong. In addition to possessing its own powerful armed forces, Tokyo is finally becoming an arms exporter … seven decades after the constitution discouraged but did not outright ban weapons sales.

Instead of an official military, Japan has what it calls “self defense forces”—an army, navy and air force trained and equipped for defense.

But “defense” is a fig leaf. In reality, Japan has one of the largest and most powerful—albeit mostly unproven—militaries in the world, with more ships than the French navy, an army larger than Germany’s and more jet fighters than the British Royal Air Force.

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My Comment: The Japanese are like everyone else .... they want the money. My prediction .... the Japanese are going to be major players in the arms trade.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Japan Joins The Global Arms Trade Updated at : 10:00 PM
Friday, February 21, 2014

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