One small bonus of working swing shift is the fact that I don't even own an alarm clock.

I wake up naturally every day.

No blaring music, no screaming alarm, I get to sleep until I wake up.

I can't tell you how nice that is.

For years I struggled to get woke up enough to get my ass to work, I am definitely not a morning person.

They say hate is a strong word but it fits my parameters for describing how I feel about alarm clocks.

Hate those sonsabitches.

I usually get home about eleven thirty, screw around on the computer until three or four in the morning, go fall down and crash and wake up anywhere from ten to noon.

lately it's been noon.

Don't ya hate me?

I also normally work my homesick ass off so I am pretty beat when I get home too though.

The wife is going to her sisters house tonight to get our taxes done and watch movies all night, then Sunday is going back to where she used to live for a retirement party for a preacher.

That means I am not going to work Sunday for once.

That also means I just may get to watch the Daytona 500 without a bunch of distractions.

That's a win in my book.

Y'all have a nice day now.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo It's A Nice Benefit Updated at : 12:40 PM
Friday, February 21, 2014

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