Forget China: Iran's Hackers Are America's Newest Cyber Threat -- Shane Harris, Foreign Policy/Stars and Stripes

WASHINGTON — In March 2012, Ayatollah Ali Khameini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, publicly announced the creation a new Supreme Council of Cyberspace to oversee the defense of the Islamic republic's computer networks and develop new ways of infiltrating or attacking the computer networks of its enemies. Less than two years later, security experts and U.S. intelligence officials are alarmed by how quickly Iran has managed to develop its cyber warfare capabilities — and by how much it's willing to use them.

For several years, Iran was believed to possess the ambition to launch disruptive attacks on Western, Israeli or Arab computer networks, but not necessarily the technological capability of actually doing so. Those doubts have largely evaporated.

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My Comment: The Iranians may not have the standard military weapons to counter what the U.S. and it's allies have in the region .... but cyber warfare gives them the ability to bring a certain level of warfare to America itself .... and to hurt us where it will hurt us the most .... our banks, news outlets, and communication networks.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo The Growing Iranian Hacker Threat Updated at : 1:00 AM
Saturday, February 22, 2014

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