Here's THE LATEST from Lindsey Williams

Startling New Information

The recent speech by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde is of course getting many Christian conspiracy theorists ruffled since she was dabbling and babbling about numerology and dates.  The elite are up to their usual world dominance but quite honestly they already have their global dominance it's just uncertain what specific events are about to unfold that may or may not affect collective and individual financial solvency.

Of course we already know from Pastor Lindsey Williams that the deadline to get GOLD and SILVER was January 1, 2014 but I notice that GOLD and SILVER are still for sale in exchange for WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY.  Or am I missing something? 

It seems like we are going to move now into a HEALTH and WEALTH message from Lindsey Williams.  SEE THE LINK ABOVE to find out more.

Is there something fishy about this?

In this message you will notice certain references to Max Keiser, Goldseek Radio, GoldSilver.com, and Silver Doctors, amongst other things.  And now it looks like Lindsey is selling GOLD and SILVER.  What's going on here folks?

We do know that Lindsey Williams has said in some of his interviews that he had been warned of leaking too much information.  He has such ties with the elite that he may be in personal danger.  However Pastor Lindsey is a man of integrity and a preacher of the gospel therefore we know that the hand of God is upon him.  Our prayers are with him, his wife, and his family and toward those who are dear to him.  We pray that God may keep him safe and perhaps may use him as a watchman to warn many as these evil days are upon us.  


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Posted by: Tukiyooo Lindsey Williams Startling New Information Released Updated at : 2:37 AM
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

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