Teamsters Union Ad Criticizes Dart On Prison Staffing, Spending  CBS Chicago   ...The Teamsters Union – representing law enforcement officers at the Cook County Sheriff’s office – has taken out a full-page newspaper ad criticizing the sheriff’s staffing and spending priorities...
YRC to Teamsters: Make a deal or else  Kansas City Business Journal   ...YRC needs the help of the Teamsters, which represent more than 25,000 of the company's 32,000 employees. The company and union are operating under a labor agreement that lasts through March 2015. YRC wants to extend the pact, which includes a range of employee concessions...
Anheuser-Busch, Local 267 Teamsters begin contract talks  Coloradoan.com   ...Anheuser-Busch/InBev and the Teamsters union are starting their first contract negotiations since InBev purchased the iconic U.S. label in 2008. That means Local 267’s Howie Dorsher is busy juggling day-to-day union operations, representing about 500 members at the Fort Collins brewery and keeping abreast of national contract talks...
Iraq Vet: Losing Home ‘Worse Than Getting Blown Up’  truthdig   ...Twenty-six year National Guardsman Jerrod Hays lost nearly half his face to a roadside bomb in Iraq. Now, like too many other Americans, he could lose his home to banks...
Amazon Teams With USPS For Sunday Delivery  Slate   ...Starting this week, the postal service will bring Amazon packages on Sundays to shoppers' doors in the Los Angeles and New York metropolitan areas at no extra charge. Next year, it plans to roll out year-round Sunday delivery to Dallas, New Orleans, Phoenix and other cities....
Unless Social Security Is Expanded with Increased Funding, We Face An Unprecedented Crisis of Millions of Baby Boomers In Poverty  Alternet   ...A majority of Americans, especially women and people of color, will spend their final years living in poverty in coming decades unless Social Security is improved and expanded ... and there are many fair ways to accomplish that, experts told a congressional briefing last week...
EU and US resume trade deal talks  BBC News   ...The EU and US have begun a second round of negotiations towards creating the world's biggest free-trade deal...
180,000 pounds of food recalled in E. coli scare  Salon   ...This Sunday, Glass Onion Catering of Richmond, Calif., recalled approximately 181,620 pounds of ready-to-eat salads and sandwich wraps that may be contaminated with E. coli. According to the USDA the items were produced between Sept. 23 and Nov. 6, and were sent off to distribution sites in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington...
Report: Bloomberg News Spikes Stories That Could Anger China  Slate   ...Bloomberg News editors are telling reporters that cover Chinese news that they have to tread carefully, and are reportedly spiking stories deemed too sensitive out of fear that Beijing will make it impossible for the company to continue operating in the world’s second-largest economy...
Sweden closes four prisons as number of inmates plummets  The Guardian   ...Decline partly put down to strong focus on rehabilitation and more lenient sentences for some offences...
Mexico authorities say U.S. man led kidnapping ring  Associated Press   ...Mexican authorities say a U.S. citizen who once served in the U.S. Navy and was a police officer in Texas has been detained in northern Mexico for allegedly heading a group of kidnappers...
NSA revelations unleash flood of new customers for privacy products  SFGate.com   ...the unremitting surveillance scandal could take billion dollar bites out of businesses whose stock in trade is user information — which is to say, much of the online economy today...

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 11.12.13 Updated at : 3:47 AM
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

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