Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, who famously railroaded a right to work (for less) bill through the Legislature last year, has a new on-line critic. Progress Michigan launched a new website today called Snyder fails. You can find it at www.SnyderFails.org.

In a statement today, Progress Michigan said:
Progress Michigan will expose Snyder’s real record on the issues that matter to Michigan’s middle-class and working families... 
Snyder Fails will take the governor to task over his supposed love of metrics and numbers. Featured on the site will be a “By the Numbers” section, which will track in simple math just how bad Snyder’s policies have been for Michiganders.
Here's how bad:
  • Michigan cut $100 million in funding to local communities
  • Slashed billions of dollars from school districts
  • Given away billions in corporate tax breaks.
The result has been devastating to Michigan's working families. The state ranked second in job growth when he became governor. Now Michigan ranks 36th, with the fourth worst unemployment rate in the country.

Remember when right to work (for less) was supposed to help Michigan's economy? No, we don't either.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo New online guide to Michigan governor's failures Updated at : 1:22 PM
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

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