Teamster Taxi Drivers Call On D.C. Mayor To Apologize For Offensive Comment  teamster.org   ...“District taxi drivers are calling on Mayor Vincent Gray to publicly apologize for the shameful and callous comment made by his spokesman yesterday in an online Washingtonian article about a lawsuit filed by the Teamster-affiliated Washington, D.C. Taxi Operators Association...
New lawsuit targets D.C. taxicab rules  Washington Post   ...D.C.’s new Teamsters-affilliated cab drivers group has wasted no time raising its profile. On Monday, less than a week after holding their first organization meeting, the members marched to deliver a letter to Mayor Vincent Gray protesting the city’s decision to impound taxis that failed to install new dome lights by Nov. 1...
Talks Begin Between A-B InBev, Teamsters  CBS KMOX News   ...It’s uncharted territory as the Teamsters begin contract talks with Anheuser-Busch InBev for the first talks since InBev purchased A-B five years ago...
A Message to our Active-Duty Military and Veterans from Jim Hoffa  teamster.org   ...On this Veteran’s Day, I want to say thank you for your service to our country. The Teamsters Union is so grateful to all the men and women in uniform, from recent active duty veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq to those who have served in previous years...
International Fact-Finding Mission To Probe IKEA’s Behavior In Canada  itfglobal.org   ...An international fact-finding team has arrived in Canada to examine an ongoing dispute at Swedish retail giant IKEA’s Richmond, British Columbia, store. The team is tasked with investigating the situation at the store, where 350 workers who are members of Teamsters Local 213, have been locked out by the company...
Greensburg City Council budget to call for no tax increase or service cuts, raises for public workers Pittsburgh Tribune-Review   ...Greensburg City Council will introduce a 2014 budget next week that calls for no increase in real estate taxes or cuts in services, and a contract that includes a pay increase for the public service workers represented by Teamsters Local 30 in Jeannette, Pennsylvania...
Tearing out asbestos with bare hands: Meet the boss from hell  Salon   ...A group of immigrants say their boss wielded their status as a weapon when they stood up to extreme abuses: from hanging from the top of a four-story building without scaffolding, to removing asbestos without gloves...
“They have blood on their hands”: Meet Wal-Mart’s worst nightmare  Salon   ...A top Bangladesh labor leader slams retailers, issues a plea to consumers, and explains why her life is in danger...
Anonymous Wal-Mart workers unload and urge protests on new website  Salon   ...On second day of a strike, a labor group unveils the latest tool for combining the web with old-fashioned organizing...
How Can the New York Times Endorse an Agreement the Public Can't Read?  Electronic Frontier Foundation   ...The New York Times' editorial board has made a disappointing endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), even as the actual text of the agreement remains secret. That raises two distressing possibilities: either in an act of extraordinary subservience, the Times has endorsed an agreement that neither the public nor its editors have the ability to read. Or, in an act of extraordinary cowardice, it has obtained a copy of the secret text and hasn't yet fulfilled its duty to the public interest to publish it...
Exxon “disappointed” with $2.7 million fine for Arkansas pipeline spill  Salon   ...The company was found to have violated safety regulations in the 5,000-gallon spill in Arkansas that forced residents to evacuate their homes…
Senate bill targets corporations that deduct settlement payouts  Washington Post   ...JPMorgan Chase’s pending $13 billion settlement with the Justice Department has revived calls from some in Congress that corporations should be prevented from claiming tax deductions on such deals...
Wall Street Bonuses May Rise 10 Percent This Year  Reuters   ...Wall Street's biggest risk takers - its bond traders - will probably see their bonuses drop this year, while people in safer roles, such as money managers, will likely get a boost, according to a forecast by compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates...
Three Graphs That Show How Being A Young Adult In America Is A Financial Nightmare  The Atlantic   ...Poverty is an astonishingly common experience here in the world's richest country. Almost 40 percent of American adults experience it for at least a year by age 60...
The Cost Of Childcare Rose Last Year, Is More Than Rent Or Food  ThinkProgress   ...Families paid more for childcare in 2012 than in 2011, with the costs of center care rising by 2.7 percent for an infant and 2.6 percent for a four-year-old, which eat up a huge amount of families’ budgets, according to a new report...
FBI ‘Accidentally’ Investigated Anti-War Site For Six Years  Fire Dog Lake   ...When the managing editor of antiwar.com, sent an email to the FBI requesting help in dealing with threats to hack his website he probably didn’t realize HE was going to become the subject of the investigation. But that is exactly what happened. How do you "accidentally" do something for six years?...
C.I.A. Is Said to Pay AT&T for Call Data  New York Times   ...The C.I.A. is paying AT&T more than $10 million a year to assist with overseas counterterrorism investigations by exploiting the company’s vast database of phone records, which includes Americans’ international calls, according to government officials...
As Twitter Goes Public, Taxpayers Stand To Lose Billions On Tech Stocks  ThinkProgress   ...The hotly anticipated Twitter IPO calls attention to stock option tax breaks that cost taxpayers billions...
Wells Fargo to pay $335M to settle FHFA dispute  Associated Press   ...Wells Fargo will pay $335 million to resolve claims that it misled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about risky mortgage securities that it sold them prior to the housing collapse...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 11.08.13 Updated at : 4:08 AM
Friday, November 8, 2013

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