I wonder if the Lord is readying Billy Graham to return home?  I believe some prophetic events for our nation are to occur upon his passing.  j


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Final Message From Billy Graham to America Warns Obama to Repent, and Turn to Jesus Christ ?'

9:33 PM EFG-BN Network
Final Message From Billy Graham to America Warns Obama to Repent, and Turn to Jesus Christ?' 

November 7, 2013 

The well known, highly respected Man of God, Billy Graham delivered a compelling message to America, urging a return and trust in the Savior of the World Jesus Christ. 

There is no human figure that has ever invaded Planet Earth that claimed to be God, and backed up His claims by living a life without reproach, sin or defilement, other than Jesus Christ.

Every major religion on Planet Earth, including ISLAM, recognizes Jesus Christ as a Great Prophet, but just like the Jews, they failed to realize the true identity of this God/Man reality who appeared on the pages of history, 2000 years ago.

To understand the magnitude of man's sin and rebellion against the God of Heaven, it takes only a moment of canvasing the current news stories to realize the extent of mankind's depravity. 

America has legislated God out of our schools, out of our Government, out of our churches, and out of our public assemblies, and even the Democratic Party tried to remove the NAME of GOD from their platform language in the last election.

Praying to the God of Heaven and Earth and His Son, Jesus Christ,  in some states is now considered a violation of the Constitution. 

As you watch the following presentation, aired on Thursday evening, take notice of two specific faces, who might look familiar to you. 

In our estimation, Billy Graham is sending yet, another warning to Barack and Michelle Obama to TURN TO JESUS CHRIST FOR ETERNAL SALVATION. 

View the following photos from the video, that in our estimation is an existential-eternal warning directly issued to Barack and Michelle Obama. - EFG-BN 

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Friday, November 8, 2013

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