
'The cold and flu season has officially arrived. Are you adequately prepared? Presumably, you’ve tossed Big Pharma’s toxic, deadly flu shots and side effect-laden, symptom-suppressing, over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu medications into the trash.

Yet a nagging concern remains: What would you do if you or your loved ones were exposed to a killer viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection that conventional remedies or even popular, alternative medicine couldn’t handle?

What if I told you that you could easily make an inexpensive, powerful, immune-boosting, modern day plague tonic on your kitchen table from herbs and vegetables readily available at most food markets?'

You have just read the article News for today's that category by title DIY supernatural cold, flu and even plague tonic elixir. You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2013/11/diy-supernatural-cold-flu-and-even.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Anonymous DIY supernatural cold, flu and even plague tonic elixir Updated at : 2:07 AM
Monday, November 4, 2013

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