
'A study just published in JAMA Jan 5, reported that SSRI antidepressants are no better than placebo for most cases of depression. The authors reviewed 30 years of data and concluded that "the benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo may be minimal or nonexistent in patients with mild or moderate symptoms".

Of course, this is old news, and reminds me of the famous scene in 1942 film, Casablanca, where Captain Louis Renault declares, " I am Shocked, Shocked ... to find gambling here....Here is your winnings... Oh thank you."

Better than Placebo for Severe Depression

I should add that the study found antidepressants work better than placebo for severe depression. This is not surprising, since virtually any psycho-stimulant can be found useful for the most the severely depressed patient.'

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Posted by: Anonymous Antidepressants No Better Than Placebo: JAMA Study Updated at : 12:42 AM
Saturday, November 9, 2013

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