The RV went through *** See Below but I don't believe we will ever have access to the banks or currency exchanges.  The IRS has closed down their offices from the 9th to the 13th due to a grid shutdown!  This are not the days scheduled by the DHS but coincides with the military grid shutdown that  Ben Fulford wrote about.  The IRS has been guaranteed a position under the new Republic to collect the only apportioned tax, a sales tax.  All other taxes are invalid and will be declared as such.  So the IRS would be in the loop about the grid shutdown and the ATF will probably assist the military.  Russia and China will be assisting too. 

Immediately after the military sanctioned grid shutdown, the Federal Reserve System will be reset or closed and a new transparent financial system will be installed, which has been designed by the BRIC Nations and a coalition of Galactic Federation members.  I believe I remember something about ten days.

This new transparent financial reset and system will cause another revaluation of currency.  The numbers we have been seeing for the Dinar and Dong will never be that high again because the newest US dollar to issue will be 10% gold backed and the banks will be safer.
My son Rick has heard from his contact in South Africa that they have cashed out
or exchanged their Dinars for a price equivalent to or near "our" $36 exspected estimated value. Keep in mind that South Africa is the "S" in the BRICS  and thus
one of the Prime Nations (along with Brazil, Russia, India, & China) fighting the
Corruption of the G8 countries & their Central Banking System and Fiat money.

This is FANTASTIC NEWS FOLKS which means or should tell you NOT or DO NOT
even think about Cashing or Exchanging your Dinars or Dong with any US BANK
to Support Cabal Corruption.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So Hang in there a while longer to protect

your valuable Asset. 
You have just read the article News for today's that category by title The RV went through *** See Below but I don't believe we will ever have access to the banks or currency exchanges. You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-rv-went-through-see-below-but-i-don.html. Thank you!
Saturday, November 9, 2013

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