If you haven't heard the latest craziness from Pat Robertson, this one is worth a listen.

He tells one of his elderly viewers on a fixed income that they still must tithe their paltry income in order to "rebuke the devourer". He even says that her husband is sick precisely because she is not tithing.

"Your husband has all these medical problems because the 'devourer' has not been rebuked. You need to rebuke him. You give your tithes faithfully and God said 'I will rebuke the devourer, the person that is eating up your money and eating up your health.'"

That is Pat's response to an elderly woman asking Pat if she should continue to tithe on her fixed income despite being poor. She wonders if she should instead use tithe money to pay for her husband's medial expenses. Sad to think that she doesn't know the answer to the question, sadder still that she thinks Pat Robertson is the person who can give her the answer.

Before you dismiss this as just "crazy 'ole Pat" doing what he does...consider that he is logically extending the tithing nonsense that evangelical preachers like Steve Gaines, Perry Noble, Robert Morris, Ed Young and others teach to their followers. Pat is practically applying the false theology that a Christian is obligated to fork over their first 10% of income to the church in order to secure God's blessings and to avoid God's cursings.

As nutty as Pat sounds, if what Robert Morris and Perry Noble and Steve Gaines and Ed Young preaches on tithing is true, then what Pat is saying makes perfect sense - that yes, even an elderly person on Social Security should FIRST give 10% of her Social Security check to Ed Young's church before she thinks about paying for her husband's medical care. And oh by the way, if she would only give more money, her husband wouldn't be so sick in the first place.

Hence, as more of these mega church pastors push this storehouse tithing nonsense, the more modern evangelicalism is moving down a road that is not sustainable beyond the current generation of gullible sheep who tolerate it.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

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