Mark my words, it is coming to a head very soon.
The people in this administration have just awakened the sleeping giant and now there is going to be hell to pay.

In case you haven't started connecting the dots yet, let me help you.

Do you remember this not too long ago?

A whole bunch of pissed off bikers?

Now the truckers are pissed off too.

So are the Veterans.

And so are the Fishermen in Florida.

I would have to take my socks off to do that kind of advanced math but I'll guesstimate if you added all the people from just these groups together, you would come pretty close to 3% of the total population of this country.

Does that number ring any bells?

Let me put that another way for illustrative purposes.

This country is a five alarm fire just waiting to happen and we have some fucktard in the Whitehouse playing with matches.

All it's going to take is one spark.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Are You Seeing A Pattern Yet? Updated at : 2:17 AM
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

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