Teamster Proposal for FedEx Independent Board Chair Backed by Leading Proxy Advisers  teamster.org   ...The country’s two largest proxy advisers, ISS and Glass Lewis, have both recommended that FedEx shareholders support a Teamster proposal calling for an independent chairman of the board at the company’s annual meeting Sept. 23...
Video: Teamsters and Allies Fighting For Workers’ Rights, Worldwide  Thom Hartmann’s The Big Picture   ...Tim Beaty, Teamsters Director of Global Strategies, was interviewed about the relationships the union has with labor organizations around the world. Jim Hoffa recently signed an agreement with a top Brazilian labor leader that will help both organizations fight for workers’ rights...
DHL Teamsters Approve National Master Portions Of Tentative New Agreement And All Operational Supplements  teamster.org   ...Teamsters working at DHL Express across the country overwhelmingly approved the new tentative National Master Agreement. However, a small number of local riders were not approved...
35 to lose jobs at Franklin Foods  Duluth News Tribune   ...Dairy giant Kemps on Monday told workers at its Duluth milk processing facility that production was being shifted to a Minneapolis facility, meaning 35 workers will be out of a job at Franklin Foods on Oct. 4...
BMWED Members: Amtrak Arbitration Agreement  teamster.org   ...The Passenger Rail Labor Bargaining Coalition has finalized an agreement with Amtrak to arbitrate and settle the BMWED contract dispute...
Verizon's diabolical plan to turn the Web into pay-per-view  Industry Standard   ... The country's No. 1 carrier is fighting in court to end the Federal Communications Commission's policy of Net neutrality, a move that would open the gates to a whole new -- and wholly bad -- economic model on the Web...
Bailout Nr. 5? Euro Zone Eyes Slovenia's Troubled Banks  Der Spiegel   ...The euro crisis has been on the back burner lately, but the problems facing banks in Slovenia are coming to a head. Billions of euros in bad loans make the country a candidate for the next bailout...
Why Do We Spend Billions on the National Security State While We Let Detroit Go Bankrupt?  Alternet   ...During a peace-time economy, the budgets of the five intelligence agencies have grown exponentially while urban cities and social services have dwindled...
California Legislature Passes Historic Laws Protecting Immigrant Workers from Abusive Employers  teamster.org   ...The California State legislature has passed new protections designed to stop unscrupulous employers from retaliating against immigrant workers who stand up for their rights. The bills await signature by Governor Jerry Brown...  
Gov. Rick Snyder announces appointments to truck safety commission  ABC 10 News   ...Michigan’s Gov. Rick Snyder today announced two appointments and five reappointments, including Dave Goller, a Teamsters Local 406 business representative, to the Michigan Truck Safety Commission...
Bike night and car show has great attendance in Slatington  Times News   ...The Slatington Fire Department in Pennsylvania held a bike night and car show in honor of longtime firefighter Milt "Bup" Greene, who passed away last year. The event was hosted by the Teamster Horseman Motorcycle Club of which Greene, a firefighter for 35 years, was a member...
5 Years Later, Wall Street Still Sucking Life Out of America Like Vampires at a Blood Drive  AlterNet   ...On Sept. 15, 2008, the Lehman Brothers collapse became the 9/11 of the financial world, sending the global economy into panic, leading to the ugliest financial episode since the Great Depression—mostly because the financial sector had gotten out of control…
Why doesn’t NSA spy on Wall Street?  Salon   ...The government claims NSA conducts surveillance to avert financial crises. Seems like they have the wrong suspects...
Report:New Trade Pact Will Hurt U.S. Wages  CBS Money Watch ...The new trans-Pacific trade pact being pushed by the U.S. government will hurt most American workers' wages despite promises it will help them, according to a new report...
GE Ex-Labor Chief Switches to Defend Retirees’ Benefits  Bloomberg News   ...Ten years ago, Dennis Rocheleau sat across the bargaining table from General Electric Co. (GE)’s unions, pushing health-care cuts so deep they led to the first nationwide strike at the company in three decades...
Florida task force takes shape to study mandatory paid-sick-leave  Miami Herald   ...Florida Senate President Don Gaetz has announced the first four members of a task force that will study how state law affects the benefits companies can offer employees, including mandatory paid-sick-leave...
Oregon’s Revenue Department violated labor laws, state says  Statesman Journal   ...The Oregon Department of Revenue has been violating its agreement with employees for years by refusing to pay for some meal periods, according to a recent ruling released by the Employment Relations Board...
L.A. Mayor Garcetti working to rebuild ties to labor unions  Los Angeles Times   ...Months after much of organized labor fought hard to block his election as mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti tried to mend fences Wednesday with a call for solidarity with unions in their struggle for jobs that pay middle-class wages...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 09.13.13 Updated at : 5:50 AM
Friday, September 13, 2013

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