Good evening blog friends!

Hello??? Anyone still there after my 13 month blog break? I can’t image why anyone would stick around, it’s been pretty boring around these parts lately!
Here’s what’s been going on in my life the past 13 months:
  • My last post mentioned a goal of weighing 162lbs by 8.31.12, well that didn’t happen because this happened:

  • Yep, I was baking baby #2!

  • I had great intentions of having a healthier pregnancy than the first time around. I started out really well, but I quit working out week 14 and around week 20 I had already gained 17lbs. It didn’t stop there, I ended up gaining almost 50lbs again! {not good!!!}

  • Something good did come out of that weight gain though; I got my sweet baby boy, Avery James! He made his arrival on March 7, 2013 weighing 9lbs 11oz and I completely fell in love all over again! Who knew you could love two little people SO much?!?
  •  I thoroughly enjoyed my 12 week maternity leave at home with my kiddos. I didn’t workout or track my eats though. After Memorial Day I went back to work full time and also have a small part time gig as well.
  • Now here I am, Avery is over 6 months old and I still have 20lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. AND…I’d like to lose about another 10-15lbs on top of that! So this mama has some work to do!
I’ve quickly learned that being a working mom of 2 is HARD WORK! I always thought I was busy before I had kids and then when Adelyn made her arrival, she filled up my time even more. Now that I look back I had SO MUCH free time before I had 2 kids, perspective is a funny thing! I’m not going to use that excuse anymore. I’m going to make time to work out, meal plan, and spend some time on me! {Goodness that sounds selfish!}
Stick around…or come back, please! Blogging was such a key part of my weight loss back in 08-09 and I want make it a key part once again!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo 13 Months? Updated at : 7:20 PM
Monday, September 16, 2013

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