As part of the Stressed-Less Living Bible Study, this week I am sharing 5 things for which I am #Blessed.  I'm sure I could easily come up with a much longer list!

1. Baby Buzz - I am still at the point where I cannot even believe I am having a baby!  This whole thing is still very surreal to me, but I know that God #blessed us with her for a very special reason.  I cannot wait to learn more about our daughter!

2. Joel - How far God has brought our relationship from just one year ago.  Exactly one year ago today, we would have been shopping at Kohl's for some last minute beach clothes for Joel, followed by a very anxious dinner at Uno's.  We are fearful flyers, and were so incredibly nervous over our impending flight to Jamaica the next morning.  We had a gorgeous wedding ceremony on white sandy beaches with crystal clear blue waters, and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.  Joel has proven every vowel we took that day just in our first year of marriage.  I have heard many others say that the first year of marriage can be the hardest.  God tested us from the very beginning - after being married for merely 3 months, He gave us one of His greatest gifts.  Joel has been by my side for every good and bad day of pregnancy from day 1.  He has dug me out of the depths of sadness (at the beginning), and helped me get excited for our new little 'bee.  As the Blake Shelton song goes, "God gave me {Joel} for the ups and downs..."  I could not have done this journey without him, and Joel, darling, I love you so, so much!

3. My Health - Pregnancy has taught me so much, but one thing that has really shined through is how durable my body is.  I may be overweight, but I fully intend to get back to caring for this body once the little lady is born.  I have had a challenging pregnancy - battling morning sickness nearly this entire time, hemorrhoids, heart palpitations, etc.  Still, I know it could be so much worse.  Those are mild issues compared to what some women have to endure - preeclampsia, miscarriages, issues with their placentas, etc.  I am lucky and thankful that God has #blessed me with a body that has been able to carry a child.

image courtesy of Elkinks

4. My Cats - Oh Merlin & Charles!  Sometimes a source of frustration (furniture clawing!), but often a source of laughter.  These two have been our babies for so long - I cannot wait to see how they adjust to a third human in the house!  I cannot get enough of their antics - they have truly been a blessing in our lives!

5. My Job - If you know me, you know I really dislike my job.  However, I have an income!  I have a place of employment that affords me the luxury of working at home.  I'm not sure I could have survived this pregnancy without that flexibility, especially during this last trimester.  Sleep quality is so awful right now, I can't imagine waking up for work at 4:30 AM to commute an hour into the city... 8 months pregnant!  Words cannot express how thankful I am to have this opportunity to work at home during this last trimester in order to smoothly transition into the birth of our daughter.  Not only that, but I am so #blessed to have a paycheck and health insurance.  Our lives could be a heck of a lot more stressful if we were not employed!

someecards.com - WHY can't PINTEREST be my job? I'm so good at it.

What are 5 things you are #blessed with right now?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Stressed-Less Living: #Blessed Updated at : 12:29 PM
Thursday, June 6, 2013

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