On Monday I had a rate of growth ultrasound to determine just how healthy our little lady is!

This appointment went so much better than last week's!

It's always nice and comforting to see the little lady moving around in there on the sonogram screen.  She is currently measuring at 8 pounds and 12 days ahead of her due date.  (For those that may not know, the u/s can be off in either direction by +- 2 lbs).  As of right now, she is in the 94% for her weight, so if she increases between now and 39 weeks, then they will most definitely want me to have a c-section.  If I do make it to 39 weeks, they will order another ultrasound to determine her weight, and then schedule the c-section accordingly.  They will not be doing a c-section before 39 weeks, unless she chooses to come on her own between now and then!

While I was supposed to meet with the doctor on Monday, she unfortunately had to leave due to a family emergency.  Instead I saw one of the fabulous midwives.  Jenna explained everything I shared above in such a caring way - not reprimanding me for my weight (which, thank you Jesus, I did not gain any weight since the prior week's appointment), or trying to make me feel like an inadequate woman who "would have a hard time with labor in my physical condition".  Despite one crappy doctor, I absolutely love my practice, and I know a large part of that is because of the outstanding midwives that work there.

Previous to becoming pregnant, I had a total misconception of what a midwife was.  I ignorantly thought of them as hippy nurses who would want to push me into an all natural delivery without medication and possibly giving birth in a birthing pool.  Now listen, if you chose to do that - that's fine! To each their own!  For me, I want drugs.  I want to be in a hospital in case something goes wrong.

The midwives at my practice deliver most of the babies, actually.  If you have a vaginal delivery, barring any complications, a midwife will be delivering you.  At my practice, that means the midwife has far more time with you than a doctor would.  I also tend to believe the level of care is much more personal. While I don't know what God has in store for this delivery, I have a strong feeling that this little woman is coming via a c-section, and so I am moderately sad I won't have a midwife to help me along.  They have been absolutely amazing throughout my entire pregnancy.

Today I sit at 37.5 weeks pregnant.  Now if you're like me, these week numbers I keep throwing around might not mean much to you.  Trust me, I felt the same way once upon a time.  I remember telling my other pregnant friends, "How do you even keep track of what week it is? I know I couldn't just tell you what week we're in for 2013."  I guess when you're growing a human, the number of weeks start to matter, and you just know.

Ideally, a woman will carry a baby to 40 weeks gestation, or 9 months.  (Do the math though... 40/4 is 10, not 9... so it's really like you're 10 months pregnant and not 9!).  Obviously, that is the ideal.  Still, as we all know, babies come when they want to.. before or after 40 weeks.  Right now, I am considered fullterm, meaning she could be born today and be absolutely fine.  All of her organs are fully developed and all she's doing now is putting on more weight (better her than me, I hope!).

So we just go day by day, anxiously awaiting her arrival, however and whenever that might be!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo She's Almost Here! Updated at : 11:33 AM
Thursday, June 6, 2013

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