I'm no fan of Paula Deen, although I have eaten at her restaurant in Savannah and was not impressed. But I am surprised at the rapid cancellation of her show by the Food Network because Deen admitted she used racial slurs in the past, even though she admitted that they were wrong and she no longer uses them.

Given that Ergun Caner is now aggressively trying to wipe the Internet of damaging video of his decade of deceit, let's do a compare and contrast of Paula Deen to Ergun Caner:

Paula Deen, TV personality  -  verus Ergun Caner, Baptist personality.

Who would you hold to a higher standard? A TV chef, or a Baptist Preacher

You would think we would hold Caner to a higher standard, especially since he is so popular as a youth retreat preacher.

But sadly, our culture apparently holds Paula Deen to a much higher standard than we do a Baptist preacher who spends his summers preaching to young skulls of mush at youth retreats.

Below are examples of Ergun Caner's racial and ethnic stereotypes he perpetuated from the pulpit over the last decade for which he was never held accountable for, or made to apologize for. Why did he get a pass on these? Probably because he spoke them AFTER he was able to convince audiences after 9/11 that he himself was some sort of minority - an immigrant "Turk", and "olive skinned" person - and thus he made these comments in that false context of being a minority himself.

I will say this: there WAS one person I know of who has called on Caner to apologize for his remarks, and that was Pastor Dwight McKissic.  Dwight correctly called Caner to apologize to FBC Jax after he made remarks back in 2009 perpetuating stereotypes of blacks and Hispanics.

Examples of Caner's ethnic slurs, from the pulpit, including the ones at Jacksonville:

1. Racial stereotypes of African American and Hispanic worshippers - 2009 - Jacksonville, Florida

You can watch the video here.

"Anybody that's ever been to a black church....they took up 12 offerings. Apparently they go back in the back and count it and if it isn't enough they gonna take it up again....Boy, you go to a black church, gentlemen, you ain't just gonna have on a blue suit, your shoes are gonna match your suit, and your handkerchief is going to match your tie, and the whole outfit is going to match your car....And ladies: when we talk about black church, we're talkin' about hats. And I'm not just talkin' Easter hats as some of you may wear, I'm talkin' 'bout satellite dish hats. Big enough to receive a signal, with a curtain rod goin' down the front that you can just pull the curtain across. "
"How many of you ever been to a Hispanic church? Some kind of worship there. That's whole man worship - body, soul, and spirit. In the middle of the song, you may recognize the hymn, you don't know what they're sayin', but in the middle of a song they'll bust out with a BLEEEEEEYAHHHHHHHH."

2. Racial Stereotypes of Mexicans - Seattle, Washington - 2007 or 2008 (listen to audio here)

"The Mexican students and I get along real well. They're my boys. I always joke with 'em, I say 'Man, if I ever adopt, I want to adopt a Mexican because I need work done on my roof and, and uh, I got a big lawn."

3. Racial Stereotypes of Mexicans - Ohio Free Will Baptist Men's Retreat - 2007

"And now my people come here - the olive-skinned come here - four times faster than any other people group except for the Mexicans and we're not in the back of Chevys."

4.  Racial Stereotypes of Muslims - Ohio Free Will Baptist Men's Retreat - 2007

"His whole family was thrilled when the 'towel head' showed up at the door [to date his daughter]."

"I wasn't in any rush [to get married]. Turkish women have better mustaches than Turkish men."

5.  Demeaning Women - Ohio Free Will Baptist Men's Retreat - 2007

"Do you believe in women behind the pulpit? Why of course, how else are they going to vacuum back there unless they get behind it?"

4. Female Self-Esteem, making fun of "ugly" girls - Gainesville, Westside Baptist Church - June 2013

"A single preacher in churches is like blood to sharks, because in those country churches they would drag out mutant granddaughters out of closets for me...this ain't much to look at [himself] but I didn't want to marry a female of this [point to his face]....finally they would say 'I know the perfect one for him' and then she'd pull her out [of the closet], 'come here Bullah' [then he makes barking noises]."

So that is another aspect of the Ergun Caner legend and mystique...he can get away with the above  nonsense, even as recently as last week at Westside Baptist Church in Gainesville.

And Paula Deen, you obviously picked the wrong field - you could have freely used racial and ethnic and even sexist stereotypes if you had become a Baptist preacher/seminary professor/youth camp leader.

Oh, but wait, you're a woman, so that might exclude you in the SBC ranks....
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Monday, June 24, 2013

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