Pasta Tuesday Pasta Tuesday

For some reason today I hit snooze for over an hour! Kyle and I stayed up late Monday night having a good talk, so I have to say it was wort...

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My Kind Of Monday My Kind Of Monday

Well it didn’t start out like I wanted…3am throwing up for a few hours! Ugh!! So I called in sick to work and went back to work. I woke up a...

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Laid Back Sunday Laid Back Sunday

Our last day of the weekend was pretty low key. We slept in, I caught up on blogs, and then headed out to get some groceries. Kyle’s parents...

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Love In Tonopah Love In Tonopah

The triangular scaffolding with a pulley at the top and a bucket hanging from a rope looped over the pulley is a “head frame.” I learned the...

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L’allocation équivalent retraite rétablie L’allocation équivalent retraite rétablie

Pour mémoire, l'allocation équivalent retraite (AER) est une allocation chômage du régime de solidarité financée par l'Etat. L'a...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 08 au 12 juin 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 08 au 12 juin 2009

Exceptionnellement, la Maison de l'Emploi sera fermée le mardi 09 juin après-midi. L'atelier "Lettre de motivation" a, par...

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Saturday = Sleep In Day! Saturday = Sleep In Day!

Since Friday night was such a late night…or should I say early Saturday morning, I slept in till noon-ish or so!! Something I rarely do and ...

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Another Double Dose of Darci’s Days!! Another Double Dose of Darci’s Days!!

Do you like all those D’s in my title?!?!? :P Well I had great intentions of blogging Thursday night, but just didn’t happen!! Too much go...

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de la sécurité : visite d'entreprise le 10 juin 2009 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de la sécurité : visite d'entreprise le 10 juin 2009

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers de la sécurité (postes et ...

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Summer Education Opportunities--Keep those Kids Outside! Summer Education Opportunities--Keep those Kids Outside!

Hey folks! I hope everyone is ready to jump into summer! My daughter turns 6 months old this weekend and her daycare asked if I had a swimsu...

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