Do you like all those D’s in my title?!?!? :P

Well I had great intentions of blogging Thursday night, but just didn’t happen!! Too much going on in this house and neighborhood!!

Well I thought after I posted Wednesday night we were in for the night, but NOPE! I got a text from a friend/neighbor and so I went over and had a few beers and I didn't get home till after 1am...too late for this girl who has to be to work at 8am!! But hey, it was fun and I met some new people in the area. We were talking about having a block party...I think it would be so fun...hire a band, block off the street, good food, drinks, fun....doesn't that sound like fun?!?!? Hopefully we can pull it off this summer!!

I was about 5 minutes late to work 'cause I didn't roll outta bed until 7:30am!! Yikes!! Once getting to my office and settled in I ate the last of that wonderful watermelon (1 point)you've been seeing all week. To be honest, I'm so sad that it's gone. Hopefully the next one will be equally as delicious!! DSC02826

Oh but I did make time before I flew out of the house to hop on the scale and snap a picture...DSC02825That's right my friends, down another 1lb!! I was so HAPPY to see that!! That means only 2.5 more pounds until I am where I "think" I want to be!!

What I am concerned about though is my goal for WW is much higher...161, what are they going to say to me when I keep losing and I'm not maintaining. Maybe I should just suck it up and pay longer to have my goal where I "truly" want to be...idk. Any thoughts and/or experience on this would be great!! It was just really be nice to not have to pay that $40/month. Heck that could go towards new clothes because as of late some of my things are looking a little ridiculous...aka belt tightened so much on my capris/pants that they are all gathered at the top, but I guess it works!

Ok back to my eats for the day! Later on in the morning I had the 2nd 1/3 of my breakfast, a Dole fruit gel cup for 1 point. I just love 1 point foods!! DSC02827

And then around 11am I had the last 1/3 of my breakfast, another small banana for, yep you guessed it, 1 point!! :) DSC02828

My morning snack (at almost noon!) was the regular, strawberries, grape nuts, and yogurt for 3 points.DSC02829

Lunch today was simple delicious and easy!! I know a few of you have asked how I have made my chicken salad so here it goes! Keep in mind I'm a pretty simple eater, don't really like some of those crunchy things people tend to add to chicken or tuna salad sandwiches! (aka celery or onions) I just used the canned chicken from my local grocery store and added 4 Tbsp fo Miracle Whip Free.

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I also had some petite baby carrots, 1/2 c cottage cheese, and an orange for YUMMY! 6 point lunch!!DSC02838 DSC02839

After work on Thursday I got home and got right to work cleaning the kitchen and noticed these OLD bananas. So I thought what an opportunity to make some banana bread!!   DSC02841 

I surfed the net in search of a low point bread. A lot of them called for applesauce which I had none of. So I ended up finding one on the WW website that was a little higher point than I would have liked, but I had all the ingredients at home!DSC02842

POINTS® Value: 4
Servings:  10

1 1/4 cup(s) all-purpose flour

1/2 cup(s) unpacked brown sugar

1/2 tsp table salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp baking powder

3 tsp canola oil

1 large egg(s), beaten

2 medium egg white(s), beaten

3 large banana(s), ripe

1 cup(s) uncooked old fashioned oats

  • Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large bowl, stir together dry ingredients. Add oil and eggs; mix thoroughly.
  • In a smaller bowl, mash bananas with a potato masher or fork. Add bananas and oatmeal to batter.
  • Spray a loaf pan with cooking spray. Pour batter into pan and bake until top of loaf is firm to touch, 45 to 55 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool in pan for 5 minutes. Flip out and cool on a wire rack for another 10 minutes.


While the bread was baking I snacked on a piece of string cheese for my 4th 1 point snack of the day!!DSC02843 

DSC02844 I used mini loaf pans and each loaf was a total of 13 points, so you could have 1/4 of the mini loaf for only 3 points! And that is just what I did! DSC02845

For supper tonight I was cooking for an army!! Well it felt that way at least compared to just cooking for 2!! Kyle was over helping the neighbor with some work on his house and both of them and a few other guys all came to our place for super. I had Creamy Chicken Bake, Green Bean Casserole, watermelon, and grapes. I think everyone enjoyed it!! And little did they know that the chicken was good for them!! :P I am counting my supper as 10 points. That stinkin’ green bean casserole just too high…but I love it!!

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After supper everyone hung out and chatted for a while! It was a fun evening. One that didn’t allow for any exercise, but I really think my body needed a break after my 6 mile run on Wednesday.


POINTS = 26/22
WATER = 94 oz
EXERCISE = none today



I couldn’t have been more happy to have Friday finally roll around. It’s been a long week! I picked up another one of those delicious watermelons Thursday night and of course had to have some more of the delicious-ness!! (1 point)DSC02848

Work was a tad crazy today. There were only 3 of the 6 of us in the office so we were QUITE busy!! I didn’t eat my morning snack until after 12!! I can’t believe I was ok until then on only watermelon!! I had key lime pie yogurt with grape nuts for 2 points. DSC02849 

I ended up working right through lunch and before I knew it, it was already 2:30 so I decided just to work 1 more hour and sneak out early since I didn’t take a lunch break! On the way home I had some much needed fuel of grapes for 1 point. They were perfectly crisp and delicious!!DSC02850

Kyle was, once again, ready to go for a run when I got home. And I really thought I was too! But man was it hard! We went 4 miles and those grapes were bothering me the whole time…I really thought they were going to come back up…luckily they didn’t! And we finished our run in under 40 minutes…even though it was really hard and I wanted to quit most of the time. I’m so glad for Kyle, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have made it for sure!

And now this is where it all goes down hill! We got back from our run and everyone was at the neighbor’s house and so of course I had to have a few beers with everyone…which turned into quite a few beers and a Wendys 5 piece chicken nugget with BBQ and didn’t end up getting home till after 2am!! It was a fun  night though!! Hey you gotta have fun sometimes right…?!!?! Point wise…not even sure!

But I did see this on the scale this morning and about passed out. I thought for sure I would gain after those drinks and eats last night, but nope…went down another 1.5lbs!! Hey, I’ll take it!! :DSC02851

Ok this post is WAY too long and it’s already after 2pm and I haven’t done a single thing today…gotta get busy before Kyle gets home from work. We have some fun plans with friends tonight…can’t wait!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Another Double Dose of Darci’s Days!! Updated at : 12:01 PM
Saturday, June 6, 2009

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