For some reason today I hit snooze for over an hour! Kyle and I stayed up late Monday night having a good talk, so I have to say it was worth it, even though I was dragging!

I ate my cereal on the run (not literally!) this morning. I had honey nut cheerios and a small sliced banana for 5 points! Definitely one of my top 5 favorite breakfasts’!!!DSC02912 

We only had 3/6 people in the office today…it was NUTS!! I didn’t get much done other than take calls and students in my office. But it sure made the day go fast though! Summer hours don’t hurt either!

I had my morning snack really stinkin’ close to the afternoon! It was the usual morning mush (1 1/2 c strawberries, 1/4 c grape nuts, and strawberry yogurt) for 3 points. DSC02913 

I am just loving these petite carrots! Speaking of, I need to stock up again! I had a small bowl of them on the drive home for lunch for 0 points! DSC02914 

For some reason I wasn’t in the mood for hardly anything for lunch. I piddeled around the kitchen for a while and wasted too much time and ended up not having enough time to make much of anything so I had a Smart Ones meal and added some more of my own broccoli for 6 points.

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For desert I had a oats and chocolate fiber one bar for 2 points on the drive back to work. Hit the spot that was craving chocolate!! :) DSC02904

After work this afternoon I got another tan in and then rushed home because I wanted to be able to ride my bike to WW. And that is just what I did. (35 minutes total, there and back) And to think I thought I was running behind schedule, not even, I was 15 minutes early! And I am happy to say I maintained for the 4th week. Only 2 more to go!! I cannot wait!! And I learned about a new class from a fellow WW member that the Y is offering that I REALLY want to check out! Hopefully I will have some news on this on Thursday!

When I got home from WW I was searching the cupboards trying to figure out what would make my tummy happy! And then I came across the box of velvetta and I knew it….mac n cheese!! So I made homemade mac n cheese for a total of 6 points. Totally hit the spot!

Here is what went into my mac n cheese:

  • 2 oz whole wheat pasta, cooked
  • 2 oz 2% Velvetta, melted
  • sprinkle of milk
  • steamed broccoli

Hopefully all these carbs in all this pasta today will help me on my run day tomorrow…or do you think that is just a myth?!?!

So around 8ish I was really craving some ice cream and that isn’t something that we usually keep in the house, so I hit the road to the grocery store and picked some up…along with some cake!! Now I know you are thinking I probably blew my points for the day..but nope!! I bought those little 100 calorie hostess cakes! Satisfied my craving for chocolate and ice cream!! And only 4 points!! :) DSC02918

After my desert I got to work on my “to-do” list.

  • Booked hotel rooms for SIL’s wedding next week – procrastinator I know!! - CHECK
  • Booked hotel room for 1/2 marathon Oct 18th – yep you read that right, Kyle and I will be running the Des Moines Half Marathon!! - CHECK
  • Registered for 5K run in Pocahontas (Kyle’s hometown) – race day is June 27th!! - CHECK
  • Researched & complied training schedule for 1/2 marathon (will post soon!) - CHECK


POINTS = 26/22
WATER = 96 oz
EXERCISE = 35 minute bike ride

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Pasta Tuesday Updated at : 8:27 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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