Microsoft's free tools #1 - AutoCollage Microsoft's free tools #1 - AutoCollage

I love all the Microsoft programmes that are free to teachers who join the Partners in Learning website. One of my favourites is AutoCollage...

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Interviewing the interviewer Interviewing the interviewer

Robert Half International   During the job interview, your primary concern is what the hiring manager will think of your qualifications. But...

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1st Weigh In with Joel 1st Weigh In with Joel

Joel and I had our first weigh in on Friday.  Here is how it panned out: Joel (6'): 230.2 Hilary (5'8"): 252.8   We both won t...

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It's Still Better It's Still Better

It seems like deja vu all over again, doesn't it? It's been happening for the past three years. We start without a loss, we beat Not...

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Inside Job Rating Agencies Inside Job Rating Agencies

ONE HAND FEEDS THE OTHER It is interesting to see how apparently only European countries and corporations are downgraded by US rating agenci...

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I'm mis-er-a-ble I'm mis-er-a-ble

I'm back in Fairbanks at my sister's house. I came back on October 7 to help care for my sister, along with my youngest niece (46) a...

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Bias Argentine Media Bias Argentine Media

MAIN STREAM MEDIA INFLUENCE IN ARGENTINA It is interesting to see how mainstream print media is used to convey political massages in a subtl...

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5 Ways to Botch a Phone Interview 5 Ways to Botch a Phone Interview

Selena Dehne, JIST Publishing   Phone interviews are a fairly fundamental part of the job search process. Yet many candidates fail to progre...

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A Walk Through the Park A Walk Through the Park

I appreciate all of your advice and encouragement on my breakdown post .   Some of you stated that I am too hard on myself, and on one hand ...

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7 Questions That Make Interviewers Cringe 7 Questions That Make Interviewers Cringe

Beth Braccio Hering, CareerBuilder writer Chances are you've prepared answers to a variety of questions an interviewer might throw your...

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A Breakdown A Breakdown

As you may have guessed from my absence of blog entries, I was rather busy last week.  I spent Sunday - Wednesday in Philadelphia.  On Frida...

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Companies hiring in large volume Companies hiring in large volume

Kaitlin Madden, CareerBuilder   There's an interesting dynamic going on in the job market right now. Despite the fact that millions of p...

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EU Austerity EU Austerity

PERMANENT AUSTERITY - DEMOCRACY AT STAKE? On the one hand EU governments implement austerity measures on society to tackle the finance crisi...

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The Family Of God In Lincoln County, Nevada The Family Of God In Lincoln County, Nevada

Don’t get me wrong. I love Las Vegas. The sheer surrealism of living here amazes me every day. But sometimes it is just too much. Saturday t...

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