Still Fighting!! Still Fighting!!

Hello blogger friends! Hope everyone had a terrific Tuesday ! Mine started out by NOT hitting the snooze button, but instead rolling over f...

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S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'agroalimentaire : visite d'entreprise le 02 mars 2010 S’ouvrir les portes des métiers de l'agroalimentaire : visite d'entreprise le 02 mars 2010

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers de l’agroalimentaire (opér...

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Okay, maybe not stupid, just struggling Okay, maybe not stupid, just struggling

Maybe I'm not totally stupid, but I swear there's something deeply wrong with me. I'm sure I could benefit from therapy or drugs...

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I refuse to get sick! I refuse to get sick!

Hope everyone had a great Monday! Mine was just ho-hum. Nothing too horrible, but nothing fantastic either. In case you missed it, make sure...

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Weekend Chicago Trip Weekend Chicago Trip

Hey everyone!! Kyle and I made it home from Chicago on Sunday! We had a great weekend seeing the sights, shopping, and spending time with fa...

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I wonder why some of us figure this out, and some don't I wonder why some of us figure this out, and some don't

We went for our walk this afternoon, only three miles but the weather was perfect. The blue sky was completely cloudless, and it was 58 degr...

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My Saturday weighin My Saturday weighin

My weighin yesterday was 176.4. Up a couple pounds. It's okay though. I haven't been tracking and definitely eating too much healthy...

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Lenten Reflections: Part 1 Lenten Reflections: Part 1

Dear Blog Readers, God has wonderously saved me so many times, and I have prayed so often "Lord open my lips, and my mouth will proclai...

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