
What will stackers do?

by The News UNIT

Those of us who monitor the financial markets are on the edge of our seats this week awaiting the FOMC announcements.  It's quite possible that as a result of this stock market rollover that began Thursday and really accelerated into the downside on Friday could change some policy announcements from the Federal Reserve Bank.  Does anyone remember what Bernanke said last time around?  It would do well to have a review there.


There have been some very important and notable observations on the charts recently that I don't quite understand completely but some of my own sources have warned me that the markets are about to really get something known as a SECTOR SHIFT so many of these traders are sitting still in cash until they get a better idea on what sectors are going to heat up while we actually enter a time where there are many companies are reporting earnings and having conference calls, etc. 

From what I understand this SECTOR SHIFT could really cause some incredible shifts in the market behavior.  We could be heading into a long term BEAR MARKET for equities now with a growing number of short positions and there could be some real problems for some companies that don't have the finances to handle this.  We could be seeing a major increase in trading of commodities where they become extremely volatile.  There could be a large decrease in emerging market interest, heavy sell offs in the financial sector, energy sector, and any number of things.  Bottom line is things are VERY UNCERTAIN right now and Monday will be a key day in finding out if we are actually headed for a STOCK MARKET crash or will the Federal Reserve be able to calm the fear of entering into another 2008 like take down.

And what will the stackers do with GOLD and SILVER?  I think they are going to be stacking quite a bit as GOLD and SILVER go on sale.  If the price of GOLD and SILVER goes up they will be rushing into the metals trying to get as much as they can before prices rise even further.  I'm told there is actually more buying when there is higher prices than when the price falls as it has been doing.  

I think those fearmongers, FED busters, and J.P. Morgan crashers aren't stackers at all.  They are kind of a strange brand of what is known as truther, preppers and patriots which are actually a large group of scoundrels.  Remember what 18th-Century English Author Samuel Johnson said about patriots?  He said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." 

Has anyone here ever learned of the LAODICEAN MOVEMENT?  It is happening right now:

At least we know the stackers aren't going to crash J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, or The Federal Reserve Bank and global banksters.  One thing they will be doing I am sure is selling more water filters, freeze dried food, gas masks, underground bunkers, Atwood rope, Nascent Iodine, and other survival gear and products you can buy to fill up your basement shelves with more crap until you'll eventually want to get rid of it at a loss.  Don't forget the internet subscriptions you can sign up for to get their latest financial advice or their monthly newsletters too. 

I do notice that INFOWARS has been rather quiet about gold and silver lately.  But they never stop pushing and promoting everything else that they believe in.  

What will the stackers do?  We will find out soon. Or maybe it really doesn't matter other than keep stackin'.


What will traders do?  That's an entirely different animal. :-)  It's certainly not for the timid:





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Posted by: Tukiyooo What will STACKERS do with PRECIOUS METALS? Updated at : 2:10 AM
Sunday, January 26, 2014

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