Star of Russian theater and movie Christine Asmus only three weeks ago, January 5, gave birth to a daughter, and already boasts her figure. On the photograph Kristina posted a social network, she appeared in a black tight-fitting clothes. On the slim figure Asmus no trace recent pregnancy. Fans of the star, to see such an excellent result in the short term, immediately peppered with questions about Kristina diet and exercise, which helped her lose weight so quickly. However, Asmus ignored their questions and left everything in secret.

It is known that the motivation for Kristina Asmus could become involved in the play "Hamlet", which she very much waited. Recall that she was planning to play at the premiere, which took place in late December, but the director was afraid that she might give birth on stage, and the actress posted on maternity leave. Now Kristina feels quite ready to play Ophelia, but she needs to combine motherhood with active acting life.

«On the one hand, I now have a blissful period. Breastfeeding - a magical process, do not want to miss any. On the other hand, I need this dope - the viewer scene profession. I'm very bored "- actress wrote in his microblog.

Must say that the premiere of" Hamlet ", which took place January 24 and 25, was a huge success. Naturally, Kristina hard to break away from "the meaning of life," but, as she wrote after the premiere, she was "very important to share empiricism."

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Kristina Asmus boasted her figure Updated at : 11:06 AM
Sunday, January 26, 2014

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