Amazing new GOLD and SILVER reports

If you aren't buying PRECIOUS METALS you need to listen to this...

The real economic data in America is being obscured by the government and mainstream media...

FIRST, listen to top trends forecaster Gerald Celente warn that the whole world is unraveling right before our eyes.  This is of utmost importance:

Although the truth is hard to find you have to do some common sense research.  Here's a few videos below that explain some rapidly approaching and already known problems which will ultimately lead America into some unprecedented economic problems leading to the financial insolvency of most Americans.  Not all the information below is easy to understand however if you take time to do some reasonable research you will find that the time is coming where you need to take appropriate measures to protect your financial solvency.

There is strong evidence that a move is on by financial policy here in America to destroy the MIDDLE CLASS and create a TWO CLASS SYSTEM.  If you don't believe this then here's a LINK with the evidence from a straight talking financial consultant:

This week in America we are not dealing with a very THREATENING STOCK MARKET REVERSAL that began on Thursday January 23, 2014 and on Friday January 24th has resulted in a strong sell off in the U.S. MARKETS dropping the Dow Jones Industrial Average 318 points in one session.   This is only the beginning of a MAJOR FINANCIAL DISASTER which will result in your own financial insolvency if you do not take necessary financial safety precautions:

GOLD and SILVER analysts are watching new chart formations:

This may not seem much to the average observer but those who have experience in complex chart algorithms and a deeper calculus and analytical approach are starting to see some major concerns in the precious metals that have been in what is becoming known as a PSEUDO BEAR MARKET: 


Prepare for the coming FINANCIAL MELTDOWN

Here's some videos below that shed some more accurate light on the true nature of the economic activity going on with the world banking system and the coming certain economic collapse along with important information on the growing debt crisis and GOLD and SILVER:

Federal Employees and Retirees need to watch this video below...

A former U.S. Treasury Official Speaks Out

If you are doubting the validity of these reports then you need to watch the report below.  Here is a man that actually worked in the capacity of the U.S. GOVERNMENT directly.  He is former Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who was employed during the Reagan administration.  Remember Reaganomics?  If you have any doubt about GOLD and SILVER as an investment then watch the video below.  You will ultimately make your own decisions but also remember that you have been warned:

Inside information from a Christian minister

At times we heed to hear from credible men of God who's Christian life is represented by the fruits of righteousness and decency here in America.  One such man is Pastor Lindsely Williams who now only is a minister of the gospel of Christ but has also worked in the capacity of the U.S. GOVERNMENT as a chaplain on the Alaskan pipeline project working directly with elite and having some inside information that he is able to share to not only Christians but to any person who desires the wisdom and truth that is seldom found in the court of public opinion and mainstream media.

Watch Pastor Lindsey Williams' latest warning below:

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Posted by: Tukiyooo News that is certain to take GOLD and SILVER prices higher Updated at : 5:16 PM
Saturday, January 25, 2014

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