What's going on with American Silver Eagles?

BrotherJohnF may be revealing something here...

Just as I started trimming my subscriber list after too much stupid horseplay by a bunch of little boys on YOU TUBE I decided to listen to BrotherJohnF just to see what's going on in the old SILVER COMMUNITY.   What I found out is there is something strange going on in the SILVER INDUSTRY which if and when this news is revealed it may actually expose U.S. GOVERNMENT and BANK manipulation of commodities like never before.

Remember Bernard von NotHaus?


I notice BrotherJohnF actually reported some factual information that can be verified through various links.  One thing that really stood out was this report on Bernard von NotHaus who was indited in time past by the Federal Government for minting silver and gold coins.  Bernard von NotHaus was arrested by the FED's for making silver coins or rounds and now his status is regarded by the Federal prosecutors as FREE PENDING SENTENCING.  Isn't that an interesting thing that they ruined this guy's life, take his money, and leave him FREE PENDING SENTENCING?

Kind of reminds me that many of us might also be considered FREE PENDING SENTENCING as we are potential terrorists of one form or another.  But I don't want to digress here so STUDY THESE LINKS:

What's going on with the U.S. MINT?

This leads to the next finding that there's a rising report of some kind of questionable activity occurring between the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Mint.  There may indeed be a time soon coming when some type of illegal collusion is about to be revealed between the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. MINT along with the every growing concern of commodity price controls by The Federal Reserve and central banks.

Apparently what is going on here is some incredible market manipulation going on by The Federal Reserve according to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who is a former Reagan administration official that served in the capacity of Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary.  There are also reports that the U.S. Mint is not meeting proper demand criteria for silver bullion in accordance with U.S. Treasury Policy and may indicate some sort of unlawful financial collusion going on within the U.S. Government.

How exactly will this criminal activity affect the economy and markets soon?  We shall soon see.  Eyes open!

If the U.S. DOLLAR fails now it looks like China and the BRICS nations are going to have the rule globally.  Perhaps they will own the U.S.A. outright and take over the government at their own discretion?  We certainly cannot completely and accurately pinpoint all the conceivable outcomes of this unprecedented news however it would do well for all interests to take immediate and necessary financial safety precautions by buying GOLD and SILVER: 

 So what does this all mean?

I think it means that GOLD and SILVER might be making some headlines very soon.  You might want to consider owning some of them.  They really indeed are CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY when you take an honest look at the U.S. Constitution. 

If you are doubting the validity of these reports then you need to watch the report below.  Here is a man that actually worked in the capacity of the U.S. GOVERNMENT directly.  He is former Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who was employed during the Reagan administration.  Remember Reaganomics?  If you have any doubt about GOLD and SILVER as an investment then watch the video below.  You will ultimately make your own decisions but also remember that you have been warned:


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Posted by: Tukiyooo BrotherJohnF actually reveals some STARTLING SILVER NEWS Updated at : 7:49 PM
Saturday, January 25, 2014

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