Holaaaaaaaaaaa! Well, I’m back to regular internet activities and it hasn’t taken long for things to get wild and crazy!

I will start by updating folks on my continuing experimentwith Facebook groups. I continue to join different “Let’s Be Friends” and “Add Me” groups and continue to have pretty much the same experience as I had before. I have added several new “friends” though, so that’s cool. There hasn’t been a lot of interaction with any of them, but a couple of them and I have exchanged “likes” on posts and even a couple of “pokes.” So, that’s progress, I guess.

There was one pretty funny situation in one of the groups. A lot of really hot chicks post in these groups because they want to build up thousands of “friends” and “followers” so they can then sell the account to some spammers. It’s always funny to watch lonely middle-aged men fall for this tactic. Well, one woman got tired of her man trying to get with the young babes in these groups and decided to post a warning …

She didn’t know why I found that funny. I told her I hope she could keep her man under control. She basically replied that it isn’t easy cause the women can’t resist him.

There was one other interaction with a lovely lady, or at least someone who set up an account claiming to be a very lovely lady and using someone’s pics. You can never really know, right? Anyway, she sent me a friend request and I accepted. We then had this exchange in chat …

Her: Thanks for accepting.
Me: You’re welcome! Thanks for adding me.
Her: No problem. What are you up to?
Me: Nothing much, just woke up.
Her: Oh really? Do you like to play in the mornings?
Me: Play?
Her: Yes, with me?
Me: Oh no, I gave up Facebook games. They’re a time suck.
Her: Well I was talking about sucking, but not Facebook games.
Me: Uh, okay. I think.
Her: Never mind!

And that’s when she defriended me.  

I had mixed results in another dark corner of the internet this week too. I posted a link to my review of the beautiful and vibrant cityof Omaha, Nebraska over on the r/Omaha board on Reddit. I was hoping that the good folks of Omaha would appreciate my glowing review of their wonderful city and see that I love it as much as they do. Hell, part of me hoped that they might even make me an honorary citizen.

For the most part, they did seem pretty supportive. They appreciated my description of the northern parts of the city and a couple even chuckled, possibly even guffawed, at my description of Omaha drivers. As of the writing of this post, I currently have 41 upvotes and only 14 downvotes. That’s a 75% approval rating and you really can’t ask for much more than that.

Unfortunately, a couple of folks weren’t as enthralled with me and my review as the rest and they chose to let me know about it. Here is a sampling of the negative comments…

- “What a hilariously stupid pile of shit”
- “Whodafuq is this tool and has he ever been to Omaha?”
- “I hardly think Warren Buffett is a cheap skate. Also, the writing of this kept flip-flopping between tedious and too cutesy.”
- “Nice piece on Omaha, but c'mon man...No mention of Marlin Perkins!!?” ßWhat an asshole, amirite?

Okay, so some of those comments hurt just a little. Maybe even a lot. But, just like with the Facebook groups I’m not gonna focus on the mean, hate-filled trolls of the world. I’m gonna focus on the positive people who enjoyed my post and find me pleasant and funny and probably want to be my friend.  

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Making Friends and Getting Feedback on Social Media Updated at : 9:00 PM
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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