It's that time of year that we all pack on the pounds.  Seriously, how can't you?

(Pausing to giggle at the randomness of this blog.  I suppose you're supposed to have a general topic that you usually write about.  It's just the randomness always running through my head.)

I'm an obsessive snacker.  I totally admit this.  I'm also a comfort eater but that's not the current issue.  This is also an ADHD thing that crops up every time I've "got everything under control" and stop taking medicine.  When I was younger and my metabolism high, it didn't matter if I pigged out.  Fast forward two babies, a slothy metabolism and a desk job later. Punchline being that I gained 15 lbs in less than two months.  I stopped weighing when I realized it was going up every time.  I suspect it might have been about 20 lbs before I gave in and went back on the medicine.  So all that was left was breaking the snacking habit.  I no longer had to depend on it to function.  But I'm left with a very confused tummy who now thinks she's hungry when she's not.

The girls at work were complaining about their weight.  I don't ever join these conversations because I'm small.  I end up being attacked for being so much closer to an ideal weight than they are.  Truth be told, even with the weight gain, I'm still in the healthy BMI range... yet perilously close to the overweight score.  Anyway, my weight gain is something I notice and husband will complain about.  With clothes it's probably not noticeable.  One of the girls, who has a healthy weight, told us her trick.

I scoffed at it.  That's stupid, I thought.  That'll never work, they told her.  She shrugged her shoulders and said it works for her.

I decided to try it, what could it hurt?  There's a lot of benefit to it even if it doesn't work.  So even though it's stupid, there I went.

Every time I get hungry, I brush my teeth.

Guess what? It works!  Part of me thinks it's knowing that a minty mouth will make food taste icky.  Or maybe the minty has an appetite suppressing thing about it.

Seriously people... this works.  I don't know why.  I don't get it.  I don't care.

I'll call it the Toothpaste Diet.

I won't weigh in for a few weeks.  Hopefully it won't break my heart when I do. 
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Pigging Out and Weight Loss Updated at : 2:13 PM
Friday, November 22, 2013

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