Hugh Jackman

It was learned that the Hollywood star Hugh Jackman is going to star in the sequel to the movie actor fresh "Wolverine: The Immortal".

Authoritative publications have reported that 45-year-old Hollywood actor re-appear on the screens of the world in the image of the principal and, one might say, turning the character of his career. The plot has been kept secret, but it is expected that the sequel will be no less exciting than the last part, which appeared in the car this summer.

Also learned that on this adventure of Wolverine's not over. In 2014, the expected new part of the movie "X-Men" where such a favorite with all the mutant again go save the world.

Jackman himself, said that it was a great honor to play such a role for all these years:

Wolverine, he is like a best friend. This hero - the beginning of my career here in America. He still me. It's been 14 years and I am very hard to believe. I love my character. I love to play it, and it's probably my favorite part of my career.

Recall, at the end of the summer appeared information that 20th Century Fox Film, Hugh Jackman offered $ 100 million for appearing in four films in the image of Wolverine.

What kind of projects is in question - new parts of the franchise "X-Men" or "solo" pictures with clawed mutant in the title role - not reported. But perhaps the fans of the actor and his character - a man with superhuman abilities - will any tape, the main thing that it appeared handsome Hugh.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman become a Wolverine

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Hugh Jackman will again become a Wolverine Updated at : 12:29 AM
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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