For his last project, "Thor: The kingdom of darkness" Chris Hemsworth gained about nine pounds of muscle mass, but stay in the image of the hero of his brawny actor was to short. Hemsworth is now busy filming a new movie, "In the Heart of the Sea", for which he has to sit on a strict diet.

30-year-old actor went on a TV show Jimmy Kimmel Live, where he spoke about the project director Ron Howard and his endeavors

This is a film based on the true story that inspired Herman Melville to write the novel "Moby Dick." Whaler crashed after the whale attack. The ship's crew rescued on small rafts, which is drifting for 90 days. In general, they are on the verge of death, start eating each other ... Such is the romantic comedy!

To be like suffering from hunger, had to throw off the weight not only Hemsworth, but the other actors:

We have to be very thin, so we have to use 500-600 calories per day. It's very funny: 15 healthy guys playing sailors sit and talk about counting calories and the fact that you can eat and what is not.
According to Chris, the hunger strike is given to him is not easy:

What is 600 calories? This may be a milkshake. So sometimes has to do a couple of salads, a small amount of protein and go to bed hungry. Then began a period of complete starvation, when you do not eat anything 15 hours before you start to eat several times a day in small portions.
However, as with all slimming happen at the actor and "failures." On the show, he admitted:

Now I'm in a great mood. Just a bite of pizza, ate only some ten pieces. But it happens only once a week, and then comes the guilt.
It cost if the result of such suffering - will know when the film will be released. The date of its premiere has not been announced, but we already know that in addition to Hemsworth in the film are shot Ben Whishaw and Cillian Murphy.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Chris Hemsworth loses weight for new film Updated at : 5:57 AM
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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