Well hello October, where did you come from? Can't believe we're on the down slope of 2013! I sure do love this time of year though!

Without further ado, here is my recap of my goals last month!

1. workout 3 days/week - nada, zilch, nothing
2. use My Fitness Pal to track ALL eats everyday - estimating about 80% of my eats tracked
3. weigh 181 by 9.30.13 - Knocked this one out of the park!

I'm pretty bummed that I didn't even get one workout in these past 2 weeks. I'm not going to list excuses either. Life is busy, everyone has kids, a house to clean, pets to feed, yada, yada, yada. If you want something bad enough you'll make time for it...bottom line! Monday morning I set my alarm for 4:45am and hit snooze. Oops! I really am just not a morning workout person {espeically while nursing!}. I started out October right though, I got in a 30 minute power walk on my lunch hour today. I think this will be the best time for me to workout.

Five out of 7 days of the week I'm on plan, tracking everything that goes in my mouth. Its the weekend that trips me up, specifically Sunday. Sunday is Kyle's cheat day and for some reason I feel the need to cheat along with him. Not necessary! Sunday the 22nd was BAD! MFP told me to just go to bed 'cause I'd eaten such a ridiculous amount of calories {j/k...but it should give me warning messages when I'm stuffing my face on days like that}. This past Sunday wasn't as bad, but I could have done without the ice cream for dessert or that 3rd piece of pizza {promise they were small!}. So still some work to be done in the tracking/eating department.

And finally I'm here to tell you, on September 30, 2013 I stepped on the scale and smashed my goal of 181!! Check that out!! Nothing like beating a goal you set!

Stay tuned for my October goals post {now I need to go write them}!

Do you beat yourself up if you don't meet a goal you set? Or do you brush it off and set a new goal?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo September Goals Recap Updated at : 3:04 PM
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

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