I am pretty much sick and tired of the fucking games these assholes seem to insist on playing these days. Buncha damn Drama Queens, they are as bad as a cheezy fucking Soap Opera,.
Come midnight tomorrow, we may or may not have a functional government.
I should rephrase that I think.

That bunch are the poster children for dysfunctional morons.

What may actually happen is that the government will run out of money.

Oops, I did it again.
We have been broke for years.

What they are dicking around with is a six week extension to fund the government to keep it from shutting down and throwing hundreds of thousands of government employees out of work.

If you have somehow managed to miraculously miss hearing about this, you are to be commended and envied.

All ya gotta do is Google "Government Shutdown" and there will be scads of articles with finger pointing galore.

I ain't linking to a single one either.

Fuck those clowns.

Someone let me know when they decide to get serious about the problems facing this country.

I will have my thermal underwear on and be waiting for a ride to Hell when that happens.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo More Political Brinksmanship Updated at : 1:10 AM
Monday, September 30, 2013

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