Illinois Teamsters endorse Pat Quinn for governor  Teamsters Joint Council 25   ...Teamsters Joint Council 25 endorsed Pat Quinn for a second term as Illinois governor today in a press conference at the Chicago International Produce Market...
Teamsters Approve Contract Extension With DHL’s Air Express International  Transport Topics   ...Teamsters union workers employed by DHL subsidiary Air Express International have approved a one-year contract extension, the union said...
Fast food strikes go super-sized in clash over wages  CNBC   ...From San Diego to New York, workers stopped flipping burgers, frying fries, and slathering on secret sauce in what organizers called the largest strikes against the nation's fast food companies ever...
US Banks Earn Record $42.2B in 2nd Quarter  Associated Press   ...The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. says the banking industry earned $42.2 billion in the second quarter, up 23 percent from the second quarter of 2012. About 54 percent of U.S. banks reported improved earnings from a year earlier...
Teen employment hits record lows, suggesting lost generation  McClatchy   ...slightly more than three in 10 teens actually worked a summer job, out of a universe of roughly 16.8 million U.S. teens. “We have never had anything this low in our lives. This is a Great Depression for teens, and no time in history have we encountered anything like that,” said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston...
San Bernardino, California, eligible for bankruptcy: judge  Reuters   ...The tentative ruling came despite objections by the California Public Employees' Retirement System, or Calpers. The $260 billion pension fund is the city's biggest creditor...
NSA: fear of a black van  zdnet   ...Most of us are good citizens. And yet. What if the government is listening in, or watching, or scanning, and some algorithm triggers an investigation and some quota-happy g-man decides to make one of us a pet project?...
Poverty saps mental capacity to deal with complex tasks, say scientists  The Guardian   ...Poor people spend so much mental energy on the immediate problems of paying bills and cutting costs that they are left with less capacity to deal with other complex but important tasks, including education, training or managing their time, suggests research published on Thursday...
Why is Sydney University on strike? Because students are not our 'clients' (opinion)  The Guardian   ...The ongoing commodification of higher education is just one facet of the disastrous hijacking of universities by corporate ideology. We are fighting this...
Colombia farmers' strikes spread to cities  3 News   ...Nationwide agricultural strikes are continuing in Colombia after more than a week of ongoing roadblocks, marches and clashes with the police. Protests have grown in size and intensity after the president, Juan Manuel Santos, denied a strike was happening...
No federal challenge to pot legalization in two states  CNN   ...Attorney General Eric Holder, in a conference call Thursday morning, notified the governors of Colorado and Washington that the department, for now, will not seek to pre-empt those states' laws, which followed voters' approval of ballot measures that legalized recreational marijuana use...
Nearly 40% of the Top Paid CEOs Bombed at Their Jobs  Economic Populist   ...Of those 500 who made the Wall Street Journal's top 25 highest paid Chief Executive Officer list, a whopping 38% were utter failures at their jobs...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 08.30.13 Updated at : 4:19 AM
Friday, August 30, 2013

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