This is just rich. This is "Breaking News" that is so new that the LA Times doesn't even have a link available to the story yet. I get their news alerts in my Email.

Kerry: U.S. seeks 'accountability' for Syrian gas attack

Secretary of State John F. Kerry said today that President Obama believes "there must be accountability" for the poison gas attack that killed hundreds of people near the Syrian capital of Damascus last week.

Kerry's statement appeared geared to building public support for a possible military response. He said Obama is actively consulting with allies and members of Congress about the next step.

"By any standard, it is inexcusable," Kerry said of the gas attack. "And despite the excuses and equivocations that some have manufactured, it is undeniable."

Here we go again.

The retarded motherfuckers never seem to learn that sticking your nose in the Middle East gets you a black eye, every time.

I am especially humored by his use of the word "Accountable".

It seems to me that you have no higher moral ground to stand on there pal.
Pot, meet kettle.
I'll tell ya what, in my opinion, Obama hasn't got the stones in the first place.
His "Red Line" got crossed clear back in December on Christmas Eve.
Google it, I blogged about it then too.

Nope, if Obama was serious we would have gone in and kicked their asses clear back then and been done with it.

He is too busy playing politics and worrying about his image.Someone needs to clue the ignorant bastard in, this isn't a game of RISK.

So now they are blustering and posturing again, something they are exceedingly good at, instead of acting decisively.

Arming the rebels was a really bad idea so they went that route first, of course.

Here's the deal.
This is basically just another skirmish in the long proxy war with Iran that they won't acknowledge publicly.

You've got Al Queada, Hamas and God only knows who else in the mix and Iran is backing them with Russia supplying the hardware. It's also being used as a convenient opportunity for a little ethnic cleansing on both sides, just for fun.

If that doesn't distill it down for ya I don't know what will.

So Mr. Kerry can save his breath as far as I am concerned.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo I Almost Choked To Death On The Irony Updated at : 1:29 PM
Monday, August 26, 2013

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