I will attempt to keep this from being a novel.  I have realized that many of my wonderful followers do not know who Ellie is.  So, I thought I'd give a little background of who I am and how I came to being so obese. 

I was born in St. Paul Minnesota but when to elementary school in Houston Texas.  I had a lot of friend and I was quite the active little kid.  I loved to roller skate, bike ride, and swim.  I was always playing with my friend.  I was very happy and I was pretty thin or average in weight.  My 7th grade year, my parents moved to a small town called Livingston Texas - about an hour and a half north of Houston.  It was a beautiful lake community.  And loving water, I was SOLD the moment we learned my parents were buying land. 

I've always been social, so meeting new friends was exciting for me.  My first day of school, I would say is when my life changed in more ways than one.  Livingston is a very small and tight community.  It is really hard for a newbie to enter in to acceptance.  Some would disagree with me, but most of that population are, your long timers.  Day one started with bullying, name calling, etc.  I was crushed.  I never wanted to go back to school again, but I had to.  So, I started eating and started gaining weight. 

The bullying didn't stop with students, a few educators were involved as well.  My ninth grade year, I took Spanish.  The teach seated us in grade order.  You made an A on a test, you sat in the back.  I never applied myself really.  I was smart but I didn't care.  One particular time, I made an A on a test.  SHOCKER!  I moved to the back.  But, I also had dyslexia and reading from that far was a challenge.  I raised my hand and asked to be moved to the front because I could not see.  She erased the word on the blackboard and wrote it the entire width and length of the board and said, "Can you see it now?"  I was embarrassed, humiliated, and angry.  I through my pencil and walked out.  I knew I was going to be in BIG trouble so I walked down to the principals office in tears.  I can't remember what he said to this day, but all I remember is, I never got into any trouble and, even though I failed one semester, I received FULL credit for that call.

Fast forward about 10 years, I began my career in HR – at that time I was a clerk for a payroll company.  I started having a lot of menstrual issues.  I learned I had polycystic ovarian disease – caused by, what else, obesity!  I had several surgeries including the loss of an ovary.  When I was 30, I had a complete hysterectomy due to other ongoing issues.  During the time of treatments, I was place on hormones, etc. which aided in the rapid weight gain.

Fast forward another 14 years and here I am.  I am now a successful HR professional working as an HR Manager for an IT outsourcing company.  I have gotten to a point in my weight were at my heaviest, just a few short weeks ago, I was really close to 300 pounds.

I love life and I love helping people.  But I must help myself before I can even be really effective in other peoples lives.  Belviq is going to do that for me!  I can’t wait to see where I am in 3, 6, and 12 months from now!!

So, what would you like to know about me?  Feel free to post questions and comments.  Love to you all!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Who is Ellie? My story.... Updated at : 11:52 AM
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

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