KORUS Has Cost the United States 40,000 Jobs  Economic Policy Institute   ...While KORUS has already hurt the U.S. economy, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and an upcoming trade agreement with the European Union could further increase the threat of rapidly growing trade deficits and job losses...
J.P. Morgan Staring at Record Fine Over Energy  Wall Street Journal   ...Bank Set to Pay Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Over Allegations of Electricity-Market Manipulation...
Enough subsidizing CEOs’ insane salaries! (opinion)  Salon   ...Part of our income taxes helps pay for sky-high executive compensation, and it needs to stop...
One-man train crews are unsafe, says union negotiating with Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway  Bangor Daily News   ...“We have always been and continue to be opposed to one-man trains,” said Mike Twombly, vice president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, on Monday. “We have opposed it and tried to negotiate it out [of union contracts] but Mr. Burkhardt [Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway Chairman Edward Burkhardt] was equally vehement...
Senators reach deal on student loans  Associated Press   ...Heading off a costly increase for returning college students, a bipartisan group of senators reached a deal Wednesday that would offer students better rates on their loans this fall but perhaps assign higher rates in coming years...
Detroit goes bankrupt, largest municipal filing in U.S. history  Washington Post   ...Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history Thursday, marking a new low in a long decline that has left the U.S. automaking capital bleeding residents and revenue, while rendering city services a mess...
OSHA cites Ford's Buffalo plant over asbestos  Associated Press   ...Federal safety officials have cited Ford Motor Co.'s Buffalo-area plant for alleged asbestos violations. The Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed fines of $41,800...
Arizona lawmaker works to keep new voting laws intact  Capitol Media Services   ...Calling a referendum drive misleading, state Sen. Michele Reagan, R-Scottsdale, has launched a campaign to keep voters from overturning extensive changes made by the Republican-controlled legislature to voting laws. Reagan wants to collect funds to counter the petition drive to force a public vote on the provisions of HB 2305...
Unions see results in 2013 legislative session  NW Labor Press   ...The Oregon Legislature wrapped up what — for organized labor — was a moderately successful session. With Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, legislators passed a law barring public sector union-busting, closed a loophole in the state prevailing wage law, and approved hundreds of millions of dollars in new construction and infrastructure spending...
Rhode Island to let certain day care workers join unions  ABC6 News   ...Certain child care workers in Rhode Island will now be able to join unions. The law signed by Gov. Chafee, allows home–based day care workers – who get state subsidies, to negotiate for better pay and benefits. Chafee says it will lead to better trained day care workers...
McCrory signs anti-union bill pushed by construction industry  News & Observer   ...North Carolina’s Gov. Pat McCrory (R) on Wednesday signed an anti-union bill that prohibits government entities from requiring contractors to sign a project labor agreement (PLA) or other agreements with labor unions as a condition for performing work on public construction projects...
Hoffa: Congress Shouldn't Outsource Its Trade Negotiating Authority  Huffington Post   ...The looming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is potentially the biggest so-called "free trade" agreement in the world. And you've probably never heard about it. TPP negotiations are being held in secret. Right now. Behind closed doors...
Teamsters Applaud Senate Confirmation of Tom Perez for Labor Secretary  IBT ...The Teamsters Union applauds the Senate’s confirmation of Thomas Perez for Labor Secretary in a vote held yesterday. Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa praised Senate Leader Harry Reid for pushing for the compromise with Republican Senators that led to the 54-46 vote for confirmation...
New Agreement For PHL Railroad Employees  BLET   ...BLET operating and maintenance of way members, working on the Pacific Harbor Line railroad have ratified a new, five-year agreement...
Chicagoland Religious Leaders Call On Dignity Memorial To Resume Good Faith Negotiations  IBT   ...Rev. Thomas Mulcrone, Chaplain of the Chicago Fire Department, Metropolitan Iakovos and Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago and Bishop Timothy Lyne and Rev. John Boivin of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral have joined 46 other area clergy to call upon Service Corporation International to resume negotiations with striking funeral directors and drivers...
BLET Photographs, Convention Badges And Other Historical Items On Display  IBT   ...There are membership cards, caps, photographs and more on temporary display at the Teamsters Union headquarters, Washington, D.C., from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET)...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News, 07.19.13 Updated at : 3:13 AM
Friday, July 19, 2013

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