Consumer groups fret as first round of European trade talks nears end  McClatchy   ...as negotiators prepare to end the first round of talks in Washington on Friday, many consumer groups in the United States and Europe fear their governments will be a little too flexible, rushing to help corporations cash in on billions of dollars in new business...
George Steinmetz, National Geographic Photographer, Arrested Taking Photos Of Kansas Feedlot  Huffington Post   ...Kansas' ag gag law, the Farm Animal and Field Crop and Research Facilities Protection Act ... bars individuals from entering and photographing an animal facility not open to the public...
The Rise Of Food Stamp Use In America  Business Insider   ...Earlier today, the House passed the Farm Bill without any funding provision for food stamps...
Low-wage workers strike at Smithsonian museums  Washington Post   ...Low-wage workers connected with the nation’s marquee museum network held a strike on Thursday, continuing a string of recent demonstrations to promote better pay for employees at federal buildings...
Walmart Living Wage Dispute In D.C. Undermines Company's Murky Pay Claims  Huffington Post   ...the company's balk at a $12.50 starting wage in D.C. suggests that the typical store worker actually earns a good deal less than $12.78...
Warren presses Wall Street regulators to take more bad actors to trial  The Hill   ...Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) scolded financial regulators on Thursday, questioning why they had sought settlements with many of Wall Street's bad actors instead of taking those firms to trial...
Warren Joins McCain to Push New Glass-Steagall Law for Banks  Bloomberg   ...U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren said she and a bipartisan group of lawmakers are introducing a bill aimed at re-creating the Glass-Steagall Act, the Depression-era measure that separated commercial and investment banking...
NTSB investigates whether Asiana pilot was blinded before crash  Los Angeles Times   ..."We really don't know what it could have been," Hersman said. "We need to look into it. We need to understand what he's talking about."...
Teamsters: Time for a raise for Hernando government workers  Tampa Bay Times   ...The union representing about 400 Hernando County government workers brought a message to the bargaining table this week: The time has come to make up for lost wages, and an across-the-board 6 percent increase should do it...
Teamsters pension plan returns 13.56% in 2012, topping benchmark  Pensions & Investments   ...Teamsters Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Plan returned 13.56% in 2012, outpacing its Wilshire's Trust Universe Comparison Service benchmark return of 13.25%...
Chicago Undertakers In Teamsters Union Go On Strike  aol   ...The funeral workers are right, in a sense, to fight against SCI's proposal: For them, the new deal is a much, much worse deal...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 07.12.13 Updated at : 4:14 AM
Friday, July 12, 2013

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