Doctor Update

I got to see one of my favorite doctors yesterday for my 38 week appointment.

She told me I was looking great, and as of right now she did not see a reason for me to be a candidate for a c-section.  Even though I gained 5 lbs this week, she said she feels it's probably just water-weight - especially judging from my puffy feet and hands.  All vitals are still doing well (i.e. no high pressure = no preeclampsia).  She also told me she saw no reason for me to have another rate-of-growth ultrasound.  So she basically said all of the exact opposite as to what the unkind doctor told me.  Who is right?  I guess we'll find out soon enough.  I just pray that the nice doctor does know what she's talking about and isn't just a bad doctor, ya know?

On another note, do you like how easily I glossed over a 5 lbs weight gain in a week?!  Oh how times have changed from the weight loss days!  Now certainly, soon enough I'll be back to being committed to seeing a downward motion in those numbers, but for right now, I honestly don't care.  I just want her out and healthy, and preferably sooner rather than later :).

Pregnancy Fashion

This "fashion" thing is kind of a joke.  Well, not "kind of", it is.

Thanks to the ability for me to work from home these last several weeks of my pregnancy, I have been able to be super comfortable with the clothing I wear.  In other words, I pretty much wear some type of exercise pant with a t-shirt every single day.  Remarkably, many of my 5K t-shirts still fit me.  Wellllll, I should use "fit" as a relative term.  They go on and cover my torso, but they are tight!

Since most of my pregnancy was spent during the winter months (thank you Jesus!), much of my maternity wardrobe was catered to colder temps.  I did try to buy some versatile pieces, but overall much of my clothing was long sleeved and knit material.  I have exactly 1 maternity t-shirt that I bought, and I've been able to get by with that and my 5K tees.

But since it is June, and as a pregnant lady I am running much hotter than I normally would be, I finally had Joel dig out some shorts for me today (we use those vacuum seal bags to store seasonal clothes).  Ahhhh the cotton shorts - it's so nice not to have my legs completely covered!

You know what else makes for a great maternity t-shirt?  Under Armor shirts!  Actually, I only own one shirt of that brand, but I own many of those silky, breathable t-shirts.  They have been AMAZING for me during these hotter temps.  

They're nice and long to cover the belly, and they help wick away the pregnancy-induced sweating.   The one I'm wearing above is from Joel's brother's annual Septathalon Event.  

What was one of your favorite things to wear when pregnant?  If you've never been pregnant, what is one of your favorite, most comfy thing to wear anyhow?

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Doctor Update & Pregnancy Fashion Updated at : 4:33 PM
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

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